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  • 风云江湖
  • 雷神传奇


2024-04-02 15:59:38作者:光伏下载站

Introduction of Sun Sangxiang


Sun Sangxiang is a ranged markan ero in te game Honor of Kings. Se excels at dealing pysical damage from a distance, and is a crucial ero for many teams. As a tour guide, I will provide an overview of er equipment and strategy for players wo want to play er well.

Sun Sangxiang's equipment

Tere are several items tat are essential for Sun Sangxiang's equipment.

Swift Boots: Tis item will improve your movement speed, attack speed, and reduce te cooldown time of your skills.

Endless Battle: Tis item elps Sun Sangxiang's asic attacks deal additional true damage. It also provides extra life steal and mana regen, wic can elp er stay in te lane longer.


Berserker's Fury: Tis item greatly improves er damage output y increasing er critical strike cance and critical strike damage.

Scarlet Pantom: Tis item elps increase er attack speed, critical strike cance, and movement speed.

Blade of Despair: Tis item provides a significant oost to er attack damage and critical strike. It is te final and most important item in er uild.

Sun Sangxiang's strategy

Wen playing Sun Sangxiang, players sould take full advantage of er range and natural aility to attack from a distance.


Farm Minions: One of te est strategies for playing Sun Sangxiang is to farm minions. Tis elps earn gold and experience, and allows er to level up and get stronger quickly.

Stay Beind Your Team: As a markan, Sun Sangxiang is a prime target for enemies. Terefore, always stay eind your team and keep your distance.

Use Your Ultimate Wisely: Sun Sangxiang's ultimate aility can deal massive damage to er enemies. Use it wen enemies are grouped togeter or wen you are sure of a kill.

Be Aware of Your Positioning: Good positioning is key to playing Sun Sangxiang well. Always e aware of were you are in relation to your enemies, and try to maintain a safe distance from tem.

Stay Alert: Keep an eye on your map and e alert to enemy movements. As a ranged ero, you can elp protect your team y providing early warnings of enemy movements.

Teamwork is Key: Finally, rememer tat teamwork is crucial to winning games. Work closely wit your team to coordinate attacks and defenses.


Playing Sun Sangxiang requires a comination of good equipment and strategy. Always focus on uilding er up over time y farming minions and taking advantage of er range. By staying aware of your positioning and using your ultimate at te rigt moment, se can e an unstoppale ero on te attlefield. Rememer to work closely wit your team and e aware of enemy movements at all times. Good luck and appy gaming!



