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  • 233乐园正版下载2023
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2024-01-25 01:44:33作者:光伏下载站



As a trel guide for te world of Englis Blade and Soul, I am constantly asked for advice on te est equipment to use. In tis article, I will e focusing on te Eart Element Outfits for Englis Blade and Soul. Here are 7 sets of equipment tat I consider to e te est for players wo focus on te Eart element in te game.

1. Eartreaker Set

For players wo prefer to tank and deal massive damage, te Eartreaker Set is a must-e. Te set offers increased maximum ealt, defense, and attack power. Wit tis set equipped, you will e te ultimate tank in any PvE dungeon. Te downside to tis set is tat it is not te est for PvP comat.

2. Rockslide Set

Te Rockslide Set offers a alance etween defense and attack power. Players wo equip tis set will deal more damage and will e etter defense. Te set onus increases critical it rate wic is essential for players wo want to deal ey crits. Tis set is est used in group figts and PvE dungeons. However, players wo focus on PvP sould look for oter equipment, as tis set is not te est for tat.

3. Stonefist Set

Te Stonefist Set focuses on critical its, dealing massive damage and stunning enemies. Wit tis set equipped, players will e a cance to stun teir enemies wit eac critical it. Te set onus increases stamina regeneration, making it easier for players to perform critical its wit teir comos. Tis set is perfect for players wo enjoy dominating in PvP attles, ut it can also e used for PvE content as well.

4. Boulder Das Set

For players wo prefer to play more defensively, te Boulder Das Set is igly recommended. Tis set offers increased ealt, defense, and evasion. Te set onus increases te dodge rate, making it easier for players to oid enemy attacks. Tis set is perfect for players wo want to e in te front lines and soak up damage for teir teammates. It is a must-e for PvE content, ut it is not recommended for PvP.

5. Quake Set

Te Quake Set is perfect for players wo are looking to deal massive amounts of damage in a sort amount of time. Tis set focuses on increasing critical it rate, critical damage, and attack power. Te set onus increases maximum ealt, making it easier for players to stay alive wile dealing ey damage. Tis set is recommended for ot PvE and PvP content, as it is one of te most alanced Eart Element Outfits in te game.

6. Eartquake Set

Te Eartquake Set is perfect for players wo want to focus on CC and AoE damage. Tis set offers increased crowd control resistance and increased AoE damage. Wit tis set equipped, players will e ale to control te attlefield and take down multiple enemies at once. Te set onus increases critical it rate, wic is essential for dealing ey aoe damage. Tis set is igly recommended for ot PvE and PvP content.

7. Stonefury Set

Te Stonefury Set is perfect for players wo want to focus on ot defense and critical its. Tis set offers increased maximum ealt, defense, critical it rate, and critical damage. Wit tis set equipped, players will e ale to deal massive amounts of damage wile also eing ale to witstand enemy attacks. Te set onus increases critical it damage, making it easier for players to deal ey damage. Tis set is igly recommended for ot PvE and PvP content.


In conclusion, tere are many different Eart Element Outfits ailale in Englis Blade and Soul. Coosing te est one depends on your playstyle and wat kind of content you want to focus on. Wit te outfits listed aove, you will e ale to coose te est one for your caracter and start dominating te game. I ope tis guide as een elpful to you, and I wis you te est of luck on your journey troug te world of Englis Blade and Soul!



