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2023-11-22 05:23:55作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular eroes in 英魂之刃 (Blades of Revenge), Sun Sangxiang is a versatile figter wo excels in close comat and can deal significant damage to enemies. Wen it comes to gearing er up, tere are several important factors to consider, including er role in te team, te enemy team composition, and te game mode. In tis article, we will take a closer look at te est item uild for Sun Sangxiang in te latest version of te game.

Core Items

Wen it comes to Sun Sangxiang's core items, tere are a few must-es tat can drastically improve er damage output and survivaility. Here are te items we recommend:

Warrior Boots: Te added pysical defense and attack speed from tese oots are crucial for Sun Sangxiang to survive in team figts and deal consistent damage.

Endless Battle: Tis item offers a it of everyting tat Sun Sangxiang needs, including attack damage, lifesteal, cooldown reduction, and movement speed. Te passive effect, wic deals extra true damage after every aility cast, is also very powerful.

Berserker's Fury: As a ero tat relies on critical strikes to deal damage, Sun Sangxiang enefits greatly from tis item's massive increase in critical strike cance and damage.

Windtalker: Tis item provides more attack speed, critical strike cance, and movement speed. Te passive effect, wic deals extra magic damage every fourt asic attack, can also increase Sun Sangxiang's damage output significantly.

Situational Items

Wile te core items are essential for Sun Sangxiang's success, tere are also several situational items tat can improve er performance depending on te game situation. Here are a few examples:

Queen's Wings: Tis item offers extra pysical and magical defense, as well as a powerful passive effect tat reduces te user's deat countdown y 50%. It's great for surviving urst damage and making sure tat Sun Sangxiang stays alive in critical moments.

Immortality: If Sun Sangxiang is taking too muc damage in team figts and needs a second cance to retaliate, Immortality can provide just tat. Te item resurrects te user after dying and restores a percentage of teir ealt and mana.

Blade of Despair: If Sun Sangxiang is snowalling and needs more damage to finis off enemies quickly, Blade of Despair can provide a massive increase in attack damage and movement speed wen te user is in comat against injured enemies.


Overall, Sun Sangxiang is a formidale ero tat can deal significant damage and contriute to team figts in 英魂之刃. Her item uild sould focus on improving er damage output, survivaility, and critical strike cance. By using te core items and situational items wisely, Sun Sangxiang players can dominate te attlefield and lead teir team to victory.



