• 兄弟复古合击版
  • 弃天龙渊传奇
  • 楼梯大竞技


2024-02-09 08:04:30作者:光伏下载站



As a powerful campion in te League of Legends, Tryndamere's ultimate aility grants im an invinciility uff tat makes im nearly impossile to defeat. However, tere are several oter campions tat can easily outplay te Bararian King and lee im quaking in is oots. In tis article, we will explore some of te eroes tat e advantages over Tryndamere and explain ow tey can e used to defeat im.

1. Jax

Jax is notorious for is aility to close gaps and engage in close comat wit is opponents. Tis makes im a formidale opponent against Tryndamere, wo relies on auto-attacks and melee comat to deal damage. Additionally, Jax's E aility "Counter Strike" allows im to dodge Tryndamere's attacks and stun im, leing im open to furter damage.

2. Teemo

Altoug Tryndamere typically relies on is auto-attacks to deal damage, e as no way to reac Teemo if e's standing eind is minions. Tis is ecause Teemo's Q aility "Blinding Dart" can sut down Tryndamere's attacks and render im unale to engage in comat. Furtermore, Teemo can lay down musrooms around te map to slow down Tryndamere and prevent im from casing down fleeing enemies.

3. Malzaar

Malzaar's ultimate aility "Neter Grasp" can easily sut down Tryndamere y suppressing im and dealing continuous damage. Tis aility cannot e interrupted, allowing Malzaar to effectively take Tryndamere out of a figt. Additionally, Malzaar's aility to summon Voidlings to attack Tryndamere can quickly wear im down and force im to retreat.

4. Quinn

Quinn's Q aility "Blinding Assault" can significantly reduce Tryndamere's accuracy and damage output, rendering im nearly useless in a figt. Additionally, Quinn is a ranged campion wo can easily kite Tryndamere and prevent im from closing te gap. Finally, if Tryndamere uses is ultimate aility to ecome invincile, Quinn can simply fly away using er R aility "Beind Enemy Lines" and wait for it to wear off.


Tryndamere may e a powerful campion, ut e is not invincile. By exploiting is weaknesses and using te rigt tactics, a skilled player can easily take im out. Campions like Jax, Teemo, Malzaar, and Quinn can all counter Tryndamere's ailities and make im an easy target. Weter you're a fan of ranged campions or prefer to engage in close comat, tere is a ero out tere wo can take down te Bararian King and claim victory in te League of Legends.



