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2024-02-09 06:04:30作者:光伏下载站



As a support player in League of Legends, coosing te rigt items is crucial to success. In tis article, we will focus on te recommended uild for Lux, te Lady of Luminosity. Lux is a long-range mage wo excels at poking enemies and providing utility to er team.

First Item: Spelltief’s Edge

Spelltief’s Edge is te recommended starting item for Lux. It provides gold generation, mana regeneration, and aility power. As a support, you will e poking and arassing te enemies a lot in te early game, wic means you will e proccing te gold generation passive of Spelltief’s Edge frequently. Additionally, te mana regeneration and aility power will allow you to continue arassing te enemies witout running out of resources.

Core Build: Atene’s Unoly Grail and Ardent Censer

Atene’s Unoly Grail and Ardent Censer are te two core items for Lux support. Atene’s Unoly Grail provides mana regeneration, aility power, and magic resistance. It also as a unique passive tat converts a portion of te damage dealt y your ailities into ealing for your allies. Tis item is perfect for Lux, as er ailities deal a lot of damage and se can eal er allies at te same time.

Ardent Censer provides aility power and mana regeneration, ut its unique passive is wat makes it so valuale. Wenever you sield or eal an ally, tey gain attack speed and onus on-it magic damage for a sort period of time. Tis passive is excellent for uffing up your ADC and elping tem deal more damage in team figts. Additionally, Ardent Censer provides onus movement speed wen you sield or eal an ally, wic can e useful for kiting or casing enemies.

Situational Items: Zonya’s Hourglass and Redemption

Zonya’s Hourglass and Redemption are ot situational items tat can e uilt depending on te game situation. Zonya’s Hourglass provides armor and aility power, ut its active is wat makes it so powerful. You can activate Zonya’s Hourglass to ecome invulnerale for a sort period of time, wic can e useful for oiding enemy ultimates or surviving urst damage. Redemption provides ealt and mana regeneration, ut its unique active is wat makes it so valuale. You can activate Redemption to eal all allies in a large area and damage all enemies in te same area. Tis can e useful for turning te tide of a team figt or sing allies wo are low on ealt.


Overall, te recommended uild for Lux support consists of Spelltief’s Edge, Atene’s Unoly Grail, Ardent Censer, and two situational items suc as Zonya’s Hourglass and Redemption. Always rememer to adapt your uild ased on te game situation and te enemy team composition. Good luck on te Rift!



