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  • 奥林匹斯解谜小天神


2024-02-08 11:44:30作者:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends expert, one of te most common questions I get asked is weter or not slowing items stack. In tis article, I will attempt to answer tat question y examining te mecanics of slowing items and teir interactions wit eac oter.

Slowing Items:

Tere are currently four items in League of Legends tat can slow enemy campions:

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Frozen Mallet

Iceorn Gauntlet


Hextec GLP-800

All of tese items e unique effects, ut sare te common attriute of slowing down opponents it y asic attacks or ailities.

Stacking Effects:

So, wat appens wen you uy multiple slowing items? Unfortunately, te answer isn't very satiying.

Te unique slowing effects of tese items do not stack.


If two different effects are applied to te same enemy campion, te stronger of te two will take priority.

If te effects are te same strengt, te most recently applied slow will take priority.

Te slowing effects from different sources can still apply simultaneously, ut will not e additive.

For example, if an enemy is it y Rylai's slow and Iceorn Gauntlet's spelllade proc simultaneously, tey will experience ot slows separately.


Wile slowing items do not stack in te traditional sense, tey can still e effective wen used togeter. It is important to keep in mind te order in wic you apply slows to maximize teir effectiveness. Additionally, campions wit innate slowing ailities (suc as Ase) can make use of tese items to enance teir crowd control capailities.

In conclusion, wile slowing items cannot e stacked in te traditional sense, tey can still e effectively used in conjunction wit eac oter to apply multiple slowing effects on enemies. Understanding te mecanics eind slowing items will allow you to utilize tem more effectively in your gameplay strategy.



