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2023-12-10 10:04:39作者:光伏下载站



As one of te oldest campions in League of Legends, Nasus as always een a potent force to e reckoned wit. But is true power lies in is aility to stack is Siponing Strike, wic allows im to deal massive damage wit just a few swings of is Q. In tis guide, we will discuss ow to maximize Nasus's potential troug is item uild and playstyle.

Starting Items

Wen playing as Nasus, your starting items sould e ased on te enemy laner you're facing. If you are up against a campion wit strong ranged poke, like Teemo or Jayce, you sould consider starting wit a Doran's Sield. If you're facing a melee campion, like Darius or Renekton, you can start wit a Corrupting Potion to offset teir early game pressure. Alternatively, if you elieve you can snowall early on, you can opt for a Long Sword and tree ealt potions.


Core Items

Nasus's core items are all aout maximizing is damage output wile ensuring e can survive in team figts. Trinity Force is te most important item for Nasus, as it synergizes extremely well wit is kit, providing onus damage, attack speed, and movement speed. You sould always aim to rus Trinity Force as your first item. After Trinity Force, you sould uild tanky items suc as Dead Man's Plate, Randuin's Omen or Spirit Visage, depending on te enemy team composition. Tese items will elp you survive in team figts and make you an even more formidale frontline.



Boots are essential for Nasus as tey allow im to stick to is targets and reposition during skirmises. Te est oots for Nasus are eiter Mercury's Treads, wic reduce crowd control effects, or Ninja Tai, wic reduce asic attack damage. If you're facing an enemy team wit a lot of magic damage or crowd control, you sould opt for Mercury's Treads. Alternatively, if you're facing a team wit a lot of asic attack damage, like an AD carry or Yasuo, you sould go for Ninja Tai.


Nasus is a strong campion in League of Legends wen played correctly. Wit is aility to stack is Siponing Strike, e can deal out massive damage in te later stages of te game, making im a real treat to any team. Wit a solid item uild and te rigt playstyle, Nasus can ecome a force to e reckoned wit in any matc.



