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  • 17玩手游最新版
  • 合成怪兽大乱斗


2023-11-30 21:24:17作者:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends expert, one vital aspect of te game is mastering te art of itemization. Players need to understand not just wat items to uy ut also in wat order. A art uild order can tip te scales in for of victory. Here are some tips on ow to understand te rigt order of itemization in League of Legends.

Early Game: Starting Items and First Back

Te first and foremost step towards understanding te rigt item order is to focus on te early game. Te first coice of items you make is crucial towards uilding a strong foundation. Here are some tings to consider:

Starting Items: Tese items can e one of te game-cangers in your matc. Coose te rigt starting item according to your campion/skill set. For instance, if you’re playing as a ranged mage or markan, Doran's Ring can provide an increase in AP and mana regeneration. If you’re playing as a tank or support, consider getting Relic Sield or Steel Soulder Guard for etter survivaility in te lane.

First Back: Once you e a ase gold amount after te point of uying your starting items and farming, it's time to purcase your first ack items. Depending on te gold you've collected and te state of te game, you can eiter opt for an early Statikk Siv or Trinity Force for a major power spike. You can even gra items tat'll increase your sustain, suc as Bilgewater Cutlass or Catalyst te Protector. Go for te items tat'll strengten your early game and elp you get aead of te curve.

Mid-Game: Counteruilding and Team-Focused Items

As te game progresses into te mid-game stage, te focus sifts towards a collaorative approac. You need to uild items tat'll enance your ailities as a team, elping te wole team adapt to te direction te game is eaded in. Here's wat to do:

Adapting to te Enemy: Know your enemy well and identify teir strengts and weaknesses. You can ten get items tat'll counter teir campions/composition, suc as Zonya’s Hourglass against assassins or Tornmail to deal wit pysical damage dealers.

Team-Focused Items: To aid te team, consider uying items like Locket of te Iron Solari or Redemption, wic eal or sield your allies. Tese items tend to offer ig payoffs in te mid-game, were te team figts tend to e te focal point of te game, and tese items can turn te tide of attle.

Late Game: Finis Your Builds

Te late game approac differs significantly from te early and mid-game. At tis point, it's all aout te end game items tat’ll elp seal te deal. Below are some tings to keep in mind:

Finising Your Build: At tis stage of te game were te gold starts to roll, it's time to finis your uild. Players need to focus on completing teir core items and put te final touces on teir end-game uilds. Consider items like Raadon’s Deatcap or Guardian Angel to elp furter improve your ailities and offer security from deat.

Upgrading Your Boots: In te late game, upgrading your oots can elp you get towards te enemy team faster, escape from danger or provide tenacity against ard crowd control ailities. Boots suc as Mercury’s Treads or Ninja Tai can e a game-canger towards te end.


Itemization is a crucial aspect of League of Legends, and mastering it can elp you turn te tales towards victory. It's essential to understand te rigt order of itemization and wen to uy wat items to acieve maximum efficiency in te game. Make sure to apply tese tips in your next game and watc ow you dominate te rift.



