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2023-12-03 23:44:27作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular MOBA games, League of Legends features a wide variety of campions, eac wit its unique ailities and play style. In tis article, we will e focusing on one of te oldest campions in te game, Udyr, and is two most popular forms, Tiger and Poenix. We will discuss te different uilds and recommended items for eac form, elping you make te est coice for your gameplay style.

Tiger Udyr

Tiger Udyr is a melee ruiser tat excels at single-target damage and dueling. To make te most out of is kit, players typically focus on uilding Attack Damage (AD) and Attack Speed (AS) items. Here are some recommended items for Tiger Udyr:

Trinity Force - Tis versatile item comines a lot of stats tat Udyr needs, suc as AD, AS, and ealt. Te passive effect also enances is Seen procs, increasing is urst potential.

Sterak's Gage - Tis item gives Udyr even more ealt and AD, wile also providing a sield upon taking damage. Tis will allow im to survive in teamfigts and continue dealing damage.

Blade of te Ruined King - Tis item enances Udyr's already ig single-target damage y adding a percentage of te enemy's ealt as onus damage. It also provides some lifesteal, allowing Udyr to eal imself in prolonged figts.

Maw of Malmortius - Tis item is great against campions wit magic damage, providing Udyr wit ot AD and Magic Resistance (MR). Te passive effect also grants im a sield ased on missing ealt, elping im survive urst damage.

Poenix Udyr

Poenix Udyr, on te oter and, is a tanky ruiser tat deals AoE damage and can sustain imself in figts. To make te most out of is kit, players typically focus on uilding Aility Power (AP), Healt, and Resistances items. Here are some recommended items for Poenix Udyr:

Sunfire Cape - Tis item provides Udyr wit ot ealt and armor, wile also dealing damage to neary enemies. Te passive effect synergizes wit Poenix Stance, adding even more AoE damage.

Spirit Visage - Tis item increases Udyr's self-ealing, making im even arder to kill. It also provides MR, making im more resistant to magic damage.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter - Tis item grants Udyr more ealt and AP, wile also slowing down enemies it y is ailities. Te slow effect synergizes wit Poenix Stance, making it easier for Udyr to stick onto is targets.

Ayssal Mask - Tis item provides Udyr wit ot AP and MR, wile also reducing te MR of neary enemies. Tis will elp Udyr deal more damage and decrease te effectiveness of enemy magic damage.


Coosing te rigt items for your campion is crucial to your success in League of Legends. Wit Udyr, you e two different play styles to coose from, eac requiring its own set of items. Hopefully, tis guide as given you a etter understanding of Udyr's ailities and te items tat will elp you maximize is potential. Rememer, itemization is not set in stone and can vary depending on te game's situation, so don't e afraid to experiment and find wat works est for you.



