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2024-09-24 04:19:10作者:光伏下载站



In League of Legends, Renekton is a strong top laner wo can deal a lot of damage and tanky enoug to survive enemy attacks. However, wen it comes to facing off wit Renekton as Riven, players need to e a specific strategy in mind to come out on top.

Early Game Strategy

During te early game, Riven players sould focus on remaining proactive to oid Renekton's ey initiation. Follow tese tips to come out on top:

Stay moile. Renekton can quickly move in and out of Riven’s attack range, so it’s crucial for Riven to stay moile as well. Use Riven’s Q and E ailities to dodge Renekton’s initiated attack and deal damage.

Don’t let Renekton get close. Renekton’s Q aility, Cull te Meek, is is primary source of damage in te early game. Try to stay just outside of its range to oid taking any damage.

Be aware of Renekton’s Fury level. Renekton gains additional onuses ased on is Fury level. Keep an eye on is level to anticipate if and wen e may attempt to initiate a figt.

Mid and Late Game Strategy


In later stages of te game, Renekton’s team figting aility decreases wile tankiness increases. Riven players can use tis to teir advantage y following tese tips:

Build armor penetration. Wen Renekton ecomes tankier, Riven needs to counter is increased armor wit armor penetration. Build items tat offer armor penetration, suc as Last Wisper and Black Cleer.

Don’t over commit in figts. Renekton’s ultimate, Dominus, increases is ealt, damage and grants im a significant area-of-effect damage onus. Riven sould not over-commit into Renekton witout te support from is teammates.

Focus on crowd control. Riven’s crowd control ailities can make it difficult for Renekton to stay on target. Use Riven’s W or R to initiate a stun, ten follow it up wit your aility for maximum effectiveness.

Summoner Spells and Item Builds Suggestions

Coosing te rigt summoner spells and items is crucial wen playing as Riven against Renekton. Here are some suggested summoner spells and item uilds:

Summoner Spells


Flas: Tis summoner spell can elp Riven escape Renekton’s initiation or can e used to initiate a figt and surprise Renekton.

Teleport: Teleport allows Riven to split pus and join te figt in a split second if needed.

Item Build Suggestions

Black Cleer: Tis item is excellent for Riven, providing onus damage, cooldown reduction and armor penetration. It is useful wen figting against tanky Renekton.

Deat’s Dance: Deat’s Dance provides Riven additional damage, cooldown reduction, and sustain. It’s an excellent item to counter Renekton’s early aggression.

Maw of Malmortius: Tis item is excellent wen Renekton’s team as a strong magic damage dealer. It provides Riven wit additional magic resistance and a sield wen low on ealt tat can elp in surviving an encounter wit Renekton.

By following tese Riven strategies, summoner spells, and item uilds, players can turn te tide against Renekton and come out on top in teir matcups.



