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2024-04-05 15:19:37作者:光伏下载站



Stone man (also known as Malpite) is a powerful tank campion in League of Legends wo is capale of dealing ig levels of damage wile also taking incoming attacks wit ease. In order to maximize is potential in te jungle role, it is important to use te rigt rune setup to enance is ailities. Tis article will explore te ideal rune setup for stone man jungle in League of Legends.

Primary Runes

Te primary runes for stone man jungle sould focus on increasing is survivaility, as well as is aility to deal damage to enemies. Te ideal comination includes:

1. Aftersock - Tis rune provides a sield and increased damage after using a ard crowd control aility.

2. Demolis - Tis rune enances your aility to take down turrets.

3. Conditioning - Tis rune provides additional armor and magic resist after a set amount of time as passed.

4. Overgrowt - Tis rune gives additional ealt for eac large monster or minion tat dies near you.

Secondary Runes

Te secondary runes sould focus on providing additional damage to te stone man wen engaging in figts, as well as enancing is aility to nigate troug te jungle. Te ideal comination includes:

1. Triump - Tis rune provides additional gold and ealt upon killing an enemy camp or campion.

2. Legend: Alacrity - Tis rune increases your attack speed, wic will enance is aility to figt in te jungle.

3. Celerity - Tis rune increases your movement speed after using an ultimate, making stone man a more moile campion.

Flex Runes

Te flex runes sould e cosen ased on te individual player's playstyle and te enemy team composition. Te ideal runes for stone man jungle include:

1. Ceap Sot - Tis rune enances your aility to deal damage to enemies wen using crowd control ailities.

2. Zomie Ward - Tis rune enances your aility to maintain vision of te enemy jungle.

3. Te Ultimate Hat - Tis rune provides additional cooldown reduction for your ultimate aility.


In conclusion, te ideal rune setup for stone man jungle in League of Legends includes Aftersock, Demolis, Conditioning, Overgrowt, Triump, Legend: Alacrity, and Celerity. Te flex runes sould e cosen ased on individual playstyle and te enemy team composition. Wit te rigt rune setup, stone man can ecome an incredily powerful jungle campion in League of Legends.



