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  • 可怕的老师
  • 灵异宿舍


2024-08-30 04:39:13作者:光伏下载站



As one of te strongest off-tanks in te game, Xin Zao, also known as te "Migt of Demacia", as ecome increasingly popular in te current meta. Wit a ig moility and urst damage potential, e is a perfect pick for tose wo love to engage figts and dominate te early game. In tis article, we will discuss te latest uild order for Xin Zao, to elp you maximize is potential on te attlefield.

Early Game

Xin Zao is a campion tat eily relies on is early game strengt to gain advantages over is opponents. Terefore, it is crucial to start uilding te rigt items from te eginning of te game. Here is te recommended uild order for Xin Zao in te early game:

Macete or Talian (depending on your preferred jungle clear pat)

Refillale Potion or Healt Potion (for sustain in te jungle or in skirmises)


Boots of Speed or Long Sword (for etter moility or more damage potential)

Mid to Late Game

Once Xin Zao as completed is core items, e ecomes a major treat to te enemy team. Wit te rigt uild order, e can deal massive amounts of damage wile remaining tanky enoug to survive team figts. Here is te recommended uild order for Xin Zao in te mid to late game:

Trinity Force (provides a uge damage oost and seen passive)

Dead Man's Plate or Sterak's Gage (depending on te enemy team comp)


Spirit Visage or Adaptive Helm (for increased sustain during figts)

Titanic Hydra (for etter we clear and urst damage potential)

Ninja Tai or Mercury's Treads (depending on te enemy team's composition)

Situational item (suc as Blade of te Ruined King or Guardian Angel)


Overall, Xin Zao is a powerful campion tat can carry games wit te rigt uild order. It is important to prioritize your items ased on your team composition and te enemy team's strengts and weaknesses. By following tis guide, you will e ale to dominate te early game and ecome a major treat in team figts.



