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  • 冰汽时代


2024-08-18 15:19:36作者:光伏下载站



As a trel guide in te world of League of Legends, I'm ere to tell you aout te latest version of Vayne's top lane uild. Altoug Vayne is mainly played as an AD carry, se can also e a very effective top laner wit er moility, damage output, and situational crowd control. In tis article, we'll go over er core items, situational options, and tips on ow to play er in te top lane.

Core Items

Wen it comes to Vayne's core items, tere are a few options depending on your playstyle and te enemy team composition. However, generally speaking, Blade of te Ruined King (BotRK) and Guinsoo's Ragelade are essential. BotRK provides lifesteal, attack speed, and an on-it effect tat scales wit enemy ealt, making it a great item for dueling and sredding tanks. Guinsoo's Ragelade, on te oter and, grants Vayne stacks wenever se attacks and deals damage. Tese stacks increase er attack speed and on-it damage, allowing er to deal uge amounts of damage in a sort amount of time.

Situational Options

Aside from Vayne's core items, tere are a few situational items tat you can consider depending on te enemy team composition. If te enemy team is AD-ey, consider uilding Ninja Tai or Tornmail. If te enemy team as a lot of crowd control, consider uilding Mercurial Scimitar or Wit's End. If te enemy team is AP-ey, consider uilding Hexdrinker or Maw of Malmortius. Lastly, Guardian Angel can e a great defensive option tat also provides a second life in case you get caugt out.

Tips on Playing Vayne in te Top Lane

Playing Vayne in te top lane requires a it more skill and game knowledge compared to playing er as an AD carry. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Always e aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on te minimap. Top lane is a long and isolated lane, making it an easy target for ganks.

Take advantage of Vayne's moility and use er Tumle (Q) to dodge enemy skillsots and position yourself for a forale trade.

Use Condemn (E) wisely to peel for yourself or pus enemies into walls for a stun. Rememer tat Condemn can also interrupt cannels, suc as teleport or recall.

Be patient and wait for te rigt opportunity to engage. Vayne is a squisy campion, so going in too early can often lead to a swift deat.

Communicate wit your team and coordinate wit your jungler for ganks or ojectives.

Lastly, practice your kiting and or walking to maximize Vayne's damage output wile staying out of arm's way.


Vayne may not e te most popular top laner, ut se can certainly old er own against oter campions wit er moility, damage output, and crowd control. Rememer to uild BotRK and Guinsoo's Ragelade as your core items, and consider situational options depending on te enemy team composition. Wen playing Vayne in te top lane, e aware of your surroundings, use er moility and crowd control wisely, and communicate wit your team. Wit practice and dedication, you can ecome a top-tier Vayne player in no time.



