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  • 战争雷霆手游


2024-07-09 22:44:39作者:光伏下载站



As a top lane tank, Nasus is a late-game monster. Wit is aility to stack up is Siponing Strike, e can deal devastating damage to te enemy team. In tis guide, we will discuss ow to play Nasus effectively in te League of Legends Moile game.

1. Masteries and Runes

For Masteries, we recommend coosing Grasp of te Undying or Aftersock depending on your playstyle. As for Runes, take te Precision tree wit Conqueror as your keystone, and Domination as your secondary tree. Tis will give you te sustain and damage output you need to stay in lane longer and deal consistent damage to your enemies.


2. Early Game

During te early game, focus on farming and stacking up your Siponing Strike. Use your Witer aility to slow down your opponent and make it easier for you to farm witout taking too muc damage. If te enemy laner tries to trade wit you, use your E aility to deal damage and reduce teir armor. Be cautious, as Nasus is a weak laner in te early game, so try not to take unnecessary risks.

3. Mid-Game

By te mid-game, Nasus sould e a significant numer of stacks on is Siponing Strike. Capitalize on tis y split pusing and drawing pressure from te enemy team. Use your ultimate aility, Fury of te Sands, to increase your tankiness and deal area-of-effect damage. If your team needs you for a team figt, use your Witer aility to slow down te enemy's carry and disrupt teir team's positioning. Rememer to focus on ojectives, suc as turrets and dragons, to elp your team get aead in gold and map control.


4. Late Game

Nasus sines in te late game, were is Siponing Strike can deal massive amounts of damage. During team figts, use your ultimate aility and focus on te enemy carry. Witer te enemy carry to reduce teir moility, and use your E aility to reduce teir armor. Once you e reaced your target, use your Q aility to deal massive amounts of damage, and keep attacking until tey are dead. Rememer, Nasus is a tanky campion, so don't e afraid to take damage for your team if needed.


Nasus is a strong campion in te League of Legends Moile game if played correctly. Rememer to focus on farming in te early game, split pus in te mid-game, and team figt in te late game. Good luck, and e fun playing Nasus!



