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2024-04-02 01:19:38作者:光伏下载站



As a campion wit strong crowd control and urst damage, Renekton is a formidale opponent for many campions in League of Legends. However, wen it comes to facing Nautilus, also known as te Titan of te Depts, Renekton needs to e careful in is approac. In tis guide, we'll discuss ow to effectively play Renekton against Nautilus to come out on top.

Understanding Nautilus' Ailities

Before diving into ow to eat Nautilus as Renekton, it's important to understand is ailities:

Dredge Line (Q): Nautilus trows is ancor forward, dealing damage to all enemies in its pat. If it its an enemy unit, e drags imself and te target togeter, stunning tem and dealing additional damage.

Riptide (W): Nautilus slams is ancor into te ground, creating a sockwe tat deals damage and slows enemies around im.


Titan's Wrat (E): Nautilus gains a sield and is asic attacks deal onus damage for a sort time.

Dept Carge (R): Nautilus launces a dept carge at an enemy campion, dealing damage and knocking tem up. After a sort delay, it explodes, dealing damage and knocking up all neary enemies.

Strategy for Renekton

To eat Nautilus as Renekton, you'll need to take advantage of is weaknesses:

Avoid Nautilus' crowd control: Your strengt as Renekton comes from your moility and urst damage. Keep an eye out for Nautilus' Dredge Line and try to dodge it y moving unpredictaly. Once e uses it, take advantage of is cooldown to engage im wile is crowd control aility isn't ailale.


Outsustain Nautilus: Nautilus' early game is weak compared to yours as Renekton. Take advantage of tis y ullying im in lane and forcing im to use is ealt pots early. Use your Q (Cull te Meek) to eal up and stay in te figt, wile also dealing damage to Nautilus.

Build Armor Penetration: Since Nautilus is a tank campion, uilding armor penetration items is essential to defeating im. Items like Black Cleer and Last Wisper will elp you sred Nautilus' armor and take im down more effectively.

Stay aware of enemy ganks: Nautilus is an excellent campion for setting up ganks wit is crowd control ailities. Keep an eye on te minimap and play defensively if you see te enemy jungler coming. You can also use your Slice and Dice aility to escape ganks or engage enemies wo overcommit.

Coordinate wit your team: Renekton is a campion wo excels in teamfigts, and Nautilus is no exception. Coordinate wit your team to focus down Nautilus first, as e can e a significant treat to your ackline. Wit your moility and crowd control, you can keep Nautilus occupied wile your oter damage dealers take im down.


Beating Nautilus as Renekton requires a comination of skill, strategy, and coordination. Keep your wits aout you and stay aware of is ailities and cooldowns, and use your own strengts to outmaneuver and outdamage im. Wit practice, you'll soon e taking down any Nautilus you come across on te Rift.



