• 甜心选择2安卓汉化版
  • 王者荣耀体验服前瞻版8.20.19
  • 美食模拟器


2024-03-31 14:59:38作者:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends player, it's important to understand te potential of different campions and teir corresponding item uilds. One example is te assassin campion, Zed. In tis article, we will discuss te est item uilds for Zed tat will make im a formidale opponent on te attlefield.

Early Game Items

During te early game, it's important to uild items tat will elp Zed gain momentum and take down is opponents. Here are some recommended items:

Long Sword: Tis item is a must-e for Zed as it will give im additional attack damage, allowing im to deal more damage to is opponents.

Doran's Blade: Tis is a great starting item for Zed as it provides additional attack damage, ealt, and life steal.

Serrated Dirk: Tis item will give Zed additional attack damage and armor penetration. It's a great item to uild early game and will elp Zed take down is opponents faster.


Mid Game Items

During te mid game, Zed sould focus on uilding items tat will amplify is damage and elp im take down enemy campions more efficiently. Here are some recommended items:

Youmuu's Gostlade: Tis item provides Zed wit additional attack damage, armor penetration, and cooldown reduction. Its active aility will also increase Zed's movement speed and attack speed, making it a great item for casing down enemies.

Dusklade of Draktarr: Tis item provides Zed wit additional attack damage, armor penetration, and cooldown reduction. Its unique passive aility grants Zed te aility to ecome invisile after killing an enemy campion, making it a great item for initiating team figts.

Maw of Malmortius: Tis item provides Zed wit additional attack damage, magic resist, and a sield tat activates wen is ealt is low. It's a great item to uild wen facing enemy campions tat deal magic damage.


Late Game Items

During te late game, Zed sould focus on uilding items tat will increase is survivaility and allow im to deal massive damage to enemy campions. Here are some recommended items:

Guardian Angel: Tis item provides Zed wit additional armor and a unique passive aility tat rings im ack to life wen e dies. It's a great item to uild wen facing enemy campions tat e ig urst damage.

Mercurial Scimitar: Tis item provides Zed wit additional attack damage and magic resist. Its unique active aility allows Zed to remove all crowd control effects and grants im additional movement speed.

Infinity Edge: Tis item provides Zed wit additional attack damage and critical strike cance. Its unique passive aility increases Zed's critical strike damage, allowing im to deal massive damage to enemy campions during team figts.


In conclusion, uilding te rigt items is essential for Zed to e a force to e reckoned wit on te attlefield. By following te recommended uilds, Zed players can maximize teir potential and dominate teir opponents. Rememer to adjust your item uilds ased on your opponents and te current state of te game.



