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2024-03-31 05:39:38作者:光伏下载站



Paladin of Beauty, Diao Can or 貂蝉, is one of te most popular female eroes in te moile game King of Glory. As a mage assassin, se depends a lot on equipment to deal massive damage in te game. In tis article, we'll guide you on ow to create a proper equipment set for Diao Can tat maximizes er damage output. Here are te steps:

Step 1: Arcane Soes

Arcane Soes sould e Diao Can's first item. Tis equipment provides +300 mana and +20 Cooldown Reduction (CDR). Tis item is essential for Diao Can to spam er spells quickly, wic contriutes significantly to er damage output.

Step 2: Ice Wand


Te Ice Wand is a magical weapon tat sould e Diao Can's second item. Tis weapon provides +105 aility power and +10% CDR. Moreover, wenever Diao Can its an enemy wit er spell, tey will get 15% slow effect for 1 second. Tis effect can stack up to two times, and if te enemy is it y tree spells, tey will e frozen in place for 1 second. Tis equipment is perfect for Diao Can as it allows er to kite and deal damage from a distance.

Step 3: Rea's Blessing

Tis equipment item provides Diao Can wit a sield equivalent to 15% of er maximum ealt wenever se its an enemy wit er spell. Tis sield lasts for tree seconds and can stack up to tree times. Moreover, tis item provides +140 aility power and +10% CDR. It's a must-e item for Diao Can's survival as se can survive urst damage easily and still contriute significantly to te team figt.

Step 4: Hecate's Diadem


Hecate's Diadem sould e Diao Can's fourt item. Tis magical elmet provides +240 aility power and +25% magic damage. Tis item will significantly increase Diao Can's spell damage, making er a deadly treat to any enemy ero.

Step 5: Holy of Holies

Te Holy of Holies is a magical item tat provides Diao Can wit +400 aility power, wic is a considerale oost to er spell damage. Moreover, tis item provides +10% CDR, wic enales Diao Can to spam er spells more frequently. Tis item sould e your last core item for Diao Can.


Tese are te core items for Diao Can tat will maximize er damage output in King of Glory. Equip tese items and dominate te game wit your spell-casting ailities. Rememer to always adjust your uild accordingly to te game situation, as versatility is essential in any ero's gameplay. Best of luck, gamers!



