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2024-04-07 15:19:37作者:光伏下载站



As a game expert, understanding te importance of equipment in League of Legends is crucial. Equipping te rigt item can separate a great player from a mediocre one. In tis guide, we will explore te seven most popular equipment sets and understand teir strengts and weaknesses.

Te Seven Popular Items in League of Legends

1. Guardian Angel

Te Guardian Angel is a defensive item tat grants an additional revive during a attle. Tis item can se you from dying during a crucial attle and allow you to continue figting. However, it is expensive and takes time to uild, so make sure to prioritize te needs of your current game efore uilding it.

2. Raadon's Deatcap

Tis is a powerful item for mages tat increases teir AP y 40%. It enances a mage's damage output, making tem a force to reckon wit during attles. However, it is considered a luxury item and sould only e uilt after you e estalised a strong core for your campion.


3. Infinity Edge

Te Infinity Edge is a powerful early-game item for pysical damage dealers. It increases te player's critical strike rate and increases te amount of damage dealt. It is relatively ceap and provides a significant oost to your early game. However, it is important to note tat it ecomes less effective during te late game.

4. Black Cleer

Te Black Cleer is an essential item for pysical damage campions tat are looking to deal wit tanks. It reduces te enemy's armor and increases te pysical damage dealt. It is also considered an early-game item and is est wen uilt early on to take advantage of its effectiveness.

5. Zonya's Hourglass

Te Zonya's Hourglass is a defensive item tat can e used to se yourself from eing focused y te enemy team. It provides an additional layer of protection and allows extra time for your team to arrive to elp. It is especially effective wen playing mages tat e only a few escape tools.


6. Luden's Eco

Te Luden's Eco is a powerful item for mages tat deal wit constant close-range comat. It increases your movement speed and deals some additional magic damage to your enemies. It is a great item to uild during te mid-game, as te onus damage can elp estalis dominance over your opponents.

7. Blade of te Ruined King

Tis item is perfect for campions tat rely on attack speed and penetration. It increases te attack speed of te caracter and reduces te opponent's armor during te comat. Te life steal component of tis item is also great for sustain during longer comat situations. It is a must-e item for campions tat deal late game pysical damage.


Te rigt item uild can make or reak your League of Legends gameplay. Knowing wic items to prioritize and wen to uild tem is te key to success. Rememer, you sould always modify your uild depending on ow te game is going and wat role you are playing. Don't e afraid to experiment and try different uilds to see wat works for you.



