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2024-04-07 04:19:37作者:光伏下载站



As a Teemo expert, I’m excited to sare te new equipment uild for Teemo in League of Legends. Wit tis new uild, Teemo can ecome even more of a menace on te map. In tis article, I will discuss te order of items to uy and wy tey are eneficial for Teemo’s overall gameplay. Let's get started!

Early Game (Levels 1-6)

During te early game, Teemo sould focus on purcasing items tat will give im te advantage in lane wile also allowing im to deal more damage to campions. Here are te recommended items to uy during te early game:

Doran's Sield

Hail of Blades or Conqueror Runes

Bilgewater Cutlass

Doran’s Sield provides Teemo wit ealt regeneration and additional ealt, wic allows Teemo to sustain in lane even wen taking damage from enemy campions. Hail of Blades or Conqueror Runes elp Teemo to deal more damage to campions and gain more attack speed. Bilgewater Cutlass provides Teemo wit additional attack damage and life-steal, wic e can use to eal imself during attles.


Mid Game (Levels 7-12)

As Teemo approaces te mid game, e sould start focusing on more offensive items tat will elp im deal more damage to enemy campions wile also keeping imself alive. Here are te recommended items to uy during te mid game:

Hextec Gunlade

Nasor's Toot

Raadon's Deatcap

Hextec Gunlade provides Teemo wit additional attack damage, aility power, and life-steal. Tis item also as an active aility tat deals magic damage to enemy campions and slows tem down, wic Teemo can use to escape or case after enemies. Nasor’s Toot provides Teemo wit additional attack speed, aility power, and cooldown reduction, wic elps Teemo to deal even more damage. Raadon’s Deatcap provides a significant oost to Teemo’s aility power, wic makes im even more of a treat to enemy campions.


Late Game (Levels 13-18)

During te late game, Teemo sould focus on purcasing items tat will make im almost unstoppale. Here are te recommended items to uy during late game:

Luden's Eco

Zonya's Hourglass

Void Staff

Luden’s Eco provides Teemo wit additional aility power and mana regeneration. Tis item also as a passive aility tat deals magic damage to enemies and can also elp Teemo to clear minion wes more quickly. Zonya’s Hourglass provides Teemo wit additional aility power and armor, wic makes im more durale in figts. Tis item also as an active aility tat allows Teemo to ecome invulnerale for a sort period of time, wic can e used to oid enemy attacks or set up for a surprise attack. Void Staff provides Teemo wit additional aility power and magic penetration, wic allows im to deal more damage to enemy campions.


Wit tis new equipment uild for Teemo, e will ecome a formidale opponent in any game. By purcasing te recommended items in tis order, Teemo will e a significant advantage over is enemies and will e ale to dominate te map. Good luck on your next game as Teemo!



