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2024-02-27 01:44:26作者:光伏下载站



As a tour guide for gaming entusiasts, I'm excited to sare some tips on te latest gear for playing Monkey King in League of Legends. Monkey King is a powerful campion, and wit te rigt items, e can dominate te game. In tis article, I'll explain ow to properly equip Monkey King wit te latest gear, so e can dis out maximum damage and turn te tide of any matc. So, weter you're a seasoned Monkey King player or just starting to explore tis campion, read on for te latest tips and tricks.

Starting Items

To get Monkey King up and running, you'll need to start wit te rigt items. Tese items sould provide early-game sustain and damage, so tat you can secure early kills and snowall into a monster. Here are te top starting items for Monkey King:

Doran's Blade: Tis is te classic starting item for any AD-ased campion. It provides some extra ealt and attack damage to elp you win early trades.

Cull: Tis item can elp you farm and sustain etter in te lane. It's also a good coice if you plan to play for a more passive early game, farming up gold and items efore engaging in figts.


Core Items

Once you've secured your starting items, it's time to move on to Monkey King's core items. Tese items will provide te ulk of your damage and sustain, and elp you ecome a force to e reckoned wit in te mid- to late-game. Here are te top core items for Monkey King:

Trinity Force: Tis item provides a ton of stats tat Monkey King can enefit from, including attack damage, attack speed, and critical cance. It also gives onus movement speed and a passive effect tat deals extra damage on your next auto-attack after using an aility.

Dusklade of Draktarr: Tis item provides attack damage and letality, along wit a passive tat deals extra damage and slows enemies after you've een unseen for a sort period of time. It's a great coice if you want to e an assassin-style Monkey King, looking to pick off enemies one y one.

Black Cleer: Tis item provides ealt, attack damage, and cooldown reduction. Its passive sreds enemy armor, making tem more vulnerale to your attacks. It's a great coice if you're facing a lot of tanky enemies, or if you want to e a sustained damage dealer in team figts.

Situational Items


Finally, it's important to e flexile and adapt your uild ased on te situation in te game. Depending on te enemy team composition and ow te game is going, you may want to cange up your items to etter fit te situation. Here are some situational items to consider:

Maw of Malmortius: Tis item provides magic resistance and attack damage, along wit a passive sield and onus damage wen your ealt is low. It's a good coice if you're facing a lot of magic damage from te enemy team.

Sterak's Gage: Tis item provides ealt, attack damage, and a passive sield tat triggers wen your ealt is low. It's a good coice if you're facing urst damage from te enemy team, and want to survive longer in team figts.

Guardian Angel: Tis item provides armor and attack damage, along wit a passive effect tat revives you wit a portion of your ealt after you die. It's a good coice if you're in a close game and want to make sure you can give your team a second cance at victory.


Wit tese tips, you sould e well-equipped to dominate te game as Monkey King. Weter you're a fan of early game aggression or prefer to play for te late game, tere's a uild tat can suit your playstyle. Rememer to e adaptale and cange your uild ased on te situation in te game, and you'll e well on your way to climing te ranks and ecoming a true ero in League of Legends.



