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2024-02-11 05:04:29作者:光伏下载站



Monkey King, also known as Wukong, is a melee figter in League of Legends. Known for is agility and prowess, e can quickly trerse te attlefield and deal massive amounts of damage. In tis article, we will discuss te est item uilds and rune setups for Monkey King to dominate is opponents.

Item Build

Wen it comes to item uilds for Monkey King, it is important to focus on is offensive capailities. Here are te items tat we recommend:

Trinity Force – Tis item gives Monkey King a uge damage oost, as well as increased attack speed and moility.

Deat’s Dance – Tis item provides sustain and allows Monkey King to stay in figts longer. It also gives im some extra damage.


Guardian Angel – Tis item is essential for staying alive in team figts. It gives Monkey King a second cance if e gets caugt out or focused down.

Sterak’s Gage – Tis item provides additional survivaility, as well as a significant amount of onus damage wen Monkey King takes damage.

Maw of Malmortius – Tis item is great against magic damage dealers, as it provides a sield and extra damage wen monkey King drops elow a certain ealt tresold.

Ninja Tai/Mercury Treads – Tese oots are important for survivaility, depending on te enemy team comp.

Rune Setup

Coosing te rigt runes is crucial for Monkey King, as tey can provide additional damage and moility. Here is our recommended rune setup:

Conqueror – Tis keystone is essential for Monkey King, as it allows im to deal extra damage and eal for a portion of te damage dealt.


Triump – Tis rune provides additional sustain and allows Monkey King to stay in figts longer.

Legend: Alacrity – Tis rune provides onus attack speed, wic is crucial for Monkey King’s como and farming capailities.

Coup de Grace – Tis rune provides additional damage against enemies tat are low on ealt.

Nimus Cloak – Tis rune provides additional moility after using a summoner spell, allowing Monkey King to case or escape more effectively.

Transcendence – Tis rune provides cooldown reduction and onus adaptive damage, wic is important for Monkey King’s como and ultimate.


Wit te rigt item uild and runes, Monkey King can e a force to e reckoned wit on te attlefield. Focus on offensive items tat provide damage and moility, and coose runes tat enance is sustain and damage capailities. Rememer to stay moile and use is kit to outplay opponents, and you’ll e on your way to victory in no time.



