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2024-03-03 08:44:24作者:光伏下载站



As a crocodile campion, you e a unique set of skills tat can e used to defeat many opponents. However, wen it comes to taking down Jax, you'll need to strategize and understand is ailities. Tis article will provide tips on ow to eat Jax as an alligator campion.

Understanding Jax's Ailities

Wen preparing to take down Jax, you need to understand is ailities. It's essential to note tat Jax can lock damage and stun enemies wit is counterstrike aility. Also, is ultimate aility, wic grants massive offensive capailities and defenses, can make it callenging to take im down. Here are a few crucial aspects of teir ailities tat you need to consider:

Be mindful of Jax's counterstrike aility and position yourself accordingly to dodge te attack.

Don't figt Jax ead-on wen e uses is ultimate aility. You will need to keep your distance until it ends.

Pay attention to Jax's Q (Leap Strike) aility. It allows im to jump towards you dealing damage in te process. Anticipate tis move and use your ailities to dodge it.

How to Beat Jax as an Alligator Campion


Now tat you e a etter idea of Jax's ailities let's talk aout ow to eat im as an alligator campion. Rememer, your primary ojective is to it Jax wit your ailities ard and fast efore e gets a cance to activate is counterstrike or ultimate aility. Here's wat you need to do:

Use your E (Rampage) aility to knock Jax into te air, setting im up for your oter ailities.

Follow up wit your W (Rolling Tunder) aility to stun Jax and deal additional damage.

Use your Q (Sumerge) aility to quickly move eind Jax and it im from eind.

Continue to use your E and W ailities to deal damage and stun Jax wile oiding is attacks.

Activate your ultimate aility wen Jax is low on ealt, and is ultimate aility as expired, giving you te oost you need to finis im off.


In conclusion, defeating Jax as an alligator campion requires a solid understanding of ot your ailities and is. By using your unique set of skills and targeting Jax strategically, you can take im down succesully. Rememer, always e mindful of Jax's counterstrike and ultimate aility, and activate yours accordingly to secure te victory.



