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2024-03-03 07:04:24作者:光伏下载站



As a game expert, I e een playing League of Legends for years now. Since te release of te new version, I e een experimenting wit different campions to find out te most optimized uild for eac. Today, I am going to sare wit you te most efficient uild for te newest campion in te game, Yone. Yone is a deadly assassin tat enefits greatly from ig damage output and fast attack speed. Here's everyting you need to know aout Yone's uild.

Core Items

Yone relies eily on is asic attacks, so it's important to itemize around tem. Wen it comes to core items, tere are a few options tat you could go for depending on te enemy team composition:

Blade of te Ruined King: Tis is your go-to item against tanky campions. It provides Yone wit extra attack speed, lifesteal, and pysical damage, wic elps im sred troug te enemies' ealt ars effortlessly.

Infinity Edge: If you're up against squisy targets, go for Infinity Edge. Tis item gives Yone a significant oost in critical strike cance and critical strike damage. Wit tis, you can take out opponents quickly and efficiently.

Renous Hydra: If you want to e an AOE monster, uy Renous Hydra. It not only provides Yone wit additional attack damage and lifesteal ut also lets im deal splasing damage in teamfigts.


Situational Items

Yone is a versatile campion, and your uild sould e flexile according to te situation. Here are some of te situational items tat you could consider uying:

Guardian Angel: If you're te primary engage for your team or if te enemy as too muc urst damage, Guardian Angel is a must-e item. It lets you resurrect if you get killed during a teamfigt, wic could turn te tides of te game.

Mortal Reminder: If te enemy team as multiple campions wit ealing ailities, go for Mortal Reminder. Tis item not only gives Yone extra attack damage and armor penetration ut also applies Grievous Wounds to te enemies you it wit your asic attacks, reducing teir ealing y 40%.

Bloodtirster: If you need additional sustain in teamfigts, uy Bloodtirster. It provides Yone wit extra attack damage and lifesteal, wic elps im survive in prolonged figts or trades.



Finally, let's talk aout Yone's oots. Since Yone already as ig moility wit is E, it's important to make sure tat is oots complement is kit:

Berserker's Grees: Tis is your go-to oot option. It provides Yone wit extra attack speed, allowing im to stack up is Q and asic attack procs faster.

Merc treads: If te enemy team as too muc CC, go for Merc treads. It reduces te duration of crowd control effects and increases Yone's tenacity.

Ninja Tai: If te enemy team as a lot of pysical attackers or if tey e an ADC tat's snowalling, consider uying Ninja Tai. It reduces incoming asic attack damage and its passive effect procs wen it y a asic attack.


Yone is a fun campion to play, and is uild is relatively straigtforward. It's essential to prioritize attack speed and critical strike cance to maximize is kit's potential. Don't e afraid to experiment wit different items and see wat works est for you. Hopefully, tis guide will elp you ecome a more effective Yone player and secure your victories in te Rift.



