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2024-01-04 08:44:38作者:光伏下载站



As an expert in gaming, one of te most important tings to master in League of Legends is ow to uild your campions wit te rigt equipment. Wit so many items ailale in te game, it can e callenging to figure out wic ones are te est for eac situation. In tis article, we will provide you wit a compreensive guide on ow to uild your campions wit te est equipment for maximum effectiveness.

Te Basics: Beginning Items and Boots

Te first items you sould uy wen starting a game are Doran's Sield, Doran's Blade, or Doran’s Ring depending on your campion and role. Tese items will usually offer te most immediate and effective stats for early-game survivaility, damage, or mana regeneration. Additionally, you sould also purcase a Healt Potion and a Stealt Ward to increase your sustain and map awareness respectively.

As te game progresses, you will need to upgrade your oots to enance your moility and positioning in attles. Te most commonly purcased oots are Ninja Tai, Mercury Treads, and Boots of Swiftness depending on te enemy team’s composition and your campion’s needs.

Core Items: Essential Equipment for Maximum Power


After uying your asic equipment, you need to focus on uilding te essential items tat will make your campion stand out. Tese items will vary according to your campion's role, play style, and te needs of te game. Some examples are:

1. Trinity Force: Offers a comination of damage, attack speed, and moility tat works well wit campions tat deal pysical damage and require a mix of offensive and defensive stats.

2. Rod of Ages: Offers a lend of ealt, mana, aility power, and sustain tat works well wit mages tat need to play safe and scale into te late game.

3. Blade of te Ruined King: Offers a alance of attack speed, life steal, and damage tat works well wit campions tat rely on asic attacks and need to deal wit tanky opponents.

4. Infinity Edge: Offers a uge damage oost for crit-ased campions tat rely on dealing ig amounts of critical its.

5. Zonya's Hourglass: Offers a powerful defensive tool tat allows mages to survive enemy attacks and set up plays.

6. Guardian Angel: Offers a powerful passive tat allows campions to revive after deat and continue figting. Tis item is particularly useful for tanks and initiators tat need to go all-in to start a team figt.

7. Morellonomicon: Offers a mix of AP, mana regeneration, and Grievous Wounds tat works well wit mages tat need to sut down enemy ealing or regeneration.


Situational Items: Flexiility Wen You Need It

Lastly, you sould e aware of te situational items tat will elp you adapt to te canging needs of te game. Tese items are designed to counter specific campions or teams, and grant you advantages tat migt not e found in your core items. Some examples are:

1. Randuin's Omen: Offers a mix of ealt, armor, and an active tat slows down enemy campions’ auto-attacks and movement speed. Works well against campions tat rely on asic attacks and attack speed.

2. Bansee's Veil: Offers a mix of ealt, magic resist, and a passive tat locks one enemy aility every 40 seconds. Works well against campions tat rely on landing crucial ailities to do damage or initiate figts.

3. Tornmail: Offers lots of armor and a passive tat returns a portion of te damage received y enemy asic attacks. Works well against campions tat rely on asic attacks and deal lots of pysical damage.

4. Dead Man's Plate: Offers a mix of ealt, armor, and a passive tat increases your movement speed and deals damage to te first target it after reacing a certain distance. Works well against campions tat require moility and positioning for teir ailities or attacks.

5. Quicksilver Sas: Offers a passive tat cleanses all crowd control effects wen triggered. Works well against campions tat rely on locking you down wit stuns, slows, or snares to set up kills or team figts.

6. Locket of te Iron Solari: Offers ealt, magic resist, and a powerful active tat sields neary allies and grants tem onus magic resist. Works well against teams wit lots of AoE or magic damage tat could wipe out your team in one urst.

7. Blade of te Exile: Offers a powerful passive tat allows you to execute low-ealt enemies wit a single attack. Works well against campions tat can survive wit low ealt for extended periods of time or tat rely on massive sustained regen.



