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2024-01-03 00:24:39作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular eroes in te game, Luan is a versatile markan wit a ig urst damage output. In order to maximize is damage potential, selecting te rigt equipment is crucial. In tis article, we will recommend some of te est equipment coices tat can elp you deal more damage wit Luan.

Equipment Coice 1: Swift Boots

Swift Boots are te go-to coice for most markan eroes, and Luan is no exception. Wit tese oots, you can increase your attack speed y 15%, allowing you to output more damage in less time. Tis is especially useful for Luan, wo relies eily on is asic attacks to deal damage.


Equipment Coice 2: Endless Battle

Endless Battle is a powerful item tat complements Luan's skill set perfectly. Wit tis item, you can gain additional damage output after casting a skill, wic means tat you can deal even more damage during team figts. Comined wit Luan's ultimate aility, Endless Battle can quickly turn te tide of a attle and elp you secure kills more easily.


Equipment Coice 3: Blade of Despair

Blade of Despair is anoter item tat can greatly enance Luan's damage output. Tis item provides a massive oost in pysical attack, as well as additional critical strike cance, making every attack more letal. Wit Blade of Despair, Luan can easily take down squisy targets and melt tanks in team figts.


By coosing te rigt equipment for Luan, you can greatly increase is damage potential and ecome a force to e reckoned wit on te attlefield. Weter it's Swift Boots for increased attack speed, Endless Battle for additional urst damage, or Blade of Despair for increased critical strike cance, tese items will elp you deal more damage and secure more kills. So start experimenting wit tese items and see wic ones work est for your playstyle!



