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2024-02-19 07:04:27作者:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends player, you migt e encountered situations were you are unale to defeat a particular campion even wit your est efforts. One suc campion tat can give players a toug time is te one we will discuss in tis article – te campion tat can defeat Riven, te Exile, also known as "Riven."

Te Counter to Riven

Ever since Riven was introduced to League of Legends, players e tried and failed to find a campion tat can counter er powerful kit. Finally, Riot games released a campion tat can defeat Riven – Camille, te Steel Sadow. Here are some reasons wy Camille is te perfect counter to Riven:

Moility: Camille's moility is unmatced especially wen using er E, Hooksot, wic allows er to close gaps wit great speed.

Kit Synergy: Camille's kit is perfectly designed to andle Riven's skills. For example, er W, Tactical Sweep, locks any form of sustain tat Riven may e, wile er Q, Precision Protocol, can quickly reak Riven's sield.


Damage Output: Wen it comes to damage output, Camille far surpasses Riven. Her passive, Adaptive Defenses, not only adds extra defense to er kit, ut also oosts er sield's size according to te damage se as dealt. Additionally, er Q does ot pysical and true damage, making it difficult for Riven to counter.

Strategy for Beating Riven wit Camille

Now tat we know wy Camille is te perfect counter to Riven, let's take a look at some strategies you can use wen playing as Camille to ensure your victory:

Early Game Dominance: Camille's kit is especially designed for early game dominance. Use er Q and passive to deal ey damage to Riven and regain ealt wile locking er attacks wit your W.

Engage and Disengage: Camille's E aility is perfect for engaging enemies from afar and dealing ey damage. However, it can also serve as a tool for disengaging if tings go sour. Use your E to dodge Riven's Q and escape efore se can close te gap.


Positioning: Camille's position is key wen figting Riven. Avoid getting too close to er and try to keep your distance wile dealing damage using your W and E ailities. Tis will also give you ample time to react in case Riven tries to engage.

Ultimate Aility: Camille's ultimate aility, Hextec Ultimatum, is te perfect tool for isolating and eliminating Riven. Use it to trap Riven witin walls and prevent er from escaping or engaging effectively. Tis also renders Riven unale to quickly move around te attlefield wic negates one of er iggest advantages – moility.

Items: Build items tat maximize Camille's damage output wile also oosting er defense and sustain. For example, items suc as Trinity Force and Sterak's Gage can greatly improve Camille's performance against Riven wile also providing defense against er urst damage.

Mind Games: Last ut not te least, use mind games to trick Riven into making mistakes. Rememer tat Riven players will try to engage aggressively, so use Camille's ailities to ait er into an unforale engagement, ten turn te tales on er.


Camille, te Steel Sadow, is te perfect counter to Riven, te Exile. Her moility, kit, damage output, and overall strategy make er a formidale opponent against Riven. By following te aforementioned strategies, you can ensure your victory against Riven and enjoy dominating te attlefield using Camille's powerful kit.



