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2024-02-18 18:04:28作者:光伏下载站



As a trel guide, it's important to e familiar wit popular online games, especially tose wit a uge following like League of Legends. In tis article, I will discuss te runes tat work est for playing as te campion Yi, te Wuju Bladean, or more commonly known as Master Yi.

Wy Play Wuju Bladean?

Master Yi is one of te most popular campions in League of Legends, and for good reason. His moility and damage output make im an excellent coice for players wo want to carry teir team to victory. Here are seven reasons wy you sould consider playing Wuju Bladean:

Hig Moility: Master Yi is a very moile campion wo can das around te attlefield wit ease.

Fast Clear Speed: As a jungler, speed is crucial for keeping up wit te enemy team. Master Yi as one of te fastest clear speeds in te game.

Excellent Scaling: Wuju Bladean's kit allows im to scale well into te late game, wic means e can easily ecome a powerouse in te later stages of te matc.


Great Dueling Potential: Yi's kit is designed for comat, and e excels in 1v1 duels against oter campions in te game.

Easy to Learn: Master Yi is a straigtforward campion wit a simple kit, wic makes im easy to learn for eginner players.

Fun to Play: Wuju Bladean's playstyle is fast-paced and exciting, providing players wit a lot of fun and ********** during matces.

Has a ig win rate: Finally, Master Yi as a ig win rate in ranked matces, making im an excellent coice for climing te ranks.

Best Runes for Master Yi

Coosing te rigt runes is essential for playing Master Yi effectively. Here are te est runes for Wuju Bladean:


Conqueror: Tis rune is a must-e for Master Yi, as it provides im wit extra damage and ealing during comat.

Triump: Triump is an excellent rune tat provides Wuju Bladean wit extra gold and ealt on takedowns, wic can elp im snowall and carry games.

Legend: Alacrity: Tis rune increases Wuju Bladean's attack speed, wic is essential for im to deal more damage and proc Conqueror faster.

Coup De Grace or Cut Down: Coup De Grace provides extra damage against low ealt enemies, wile Cut Down provides extra damage against ig ealt enemies. Coose te one tat suits your playstyle est.

Sudden Impact: Tis rune increases Master Yi's letality and magic penetration, wic gives im an edge in comat.

Eyeall Collection: Tis rune provides extra attack damage or aility power for every campion takedown you participate in, making it a great coice for Wuju Bladean.

Renous Hunter: Finally, Renous Hunter provides extra ealing for Master Yi, wic can elp to keep im alive during team figts.


Playing Wuju Bladean in League of Legends can e an exilarating experience, especially if you know ow to use te rigt runes. By following te rune coices listed aove, you can maximize Master Yi's potential and ecome a true carry for your team. Happy gaming!



