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2024-01-23 12:24:34作者:光伏下载站



As a player wo as een playing League of Legends for several years, I e come across many campions and tried numerous cominations. Among all tese campions, I e found tat Nocturne, also known as "No-saw", is te est campion to play in te current meta game. If you are looking for a campion wit a ig win rate, easy to play, and capale of making an impact in any game, ten Nocturne is te one for you.

Reasons wy Nocturne is te est campion

Tere are several reasons wy Nocturne is te est campion to play. Here are some of tem:

Hig Win Rate: Nocturne currently as a win rate of over 54%, according to OP.GG. Tis makes im one of te most succesul campions for any player to play.

Easy to Play: Nocturne is a relatively simple campion to learn. His ailities are straigtforward, and is mecanics are easy to understand, making im a great coice for eginners.

Flexiility: Nocturne can e uilt in many different ways depending on te situation. You can uild im tanky, assassin, or even AP, depending on te enemy team composition and your personal playstyle.

How to play Nocturne effectively


Now tat we e discussed wy Nocturne is suc a great campion to play let's dive into some tips on ow to play im effectively.

Clear Your Jungle: Nocturne's clear speed is excellent, and you sould use it to your advantage. Clear your jungle as quickly and efficiently as possile to it level 6 as soon as possile.

Gank Effectively: Nocturne's ultimate is one of te est ganking tools in te game. Use it to surprise your enemies and catc tem off-guard. Make sure to tell your teammates wen you're aout to use it to ensure tat tey're ready to follow up.

Take Ojectives: Nocturne can solo Dragon and Rift Herald very early in te game. Use tis to take early ojectives and snowall te game in your team's for.

Split Pus: If your team is struggling to pus into te enemy ase, split pusing as Nocturne can e an effective strategy. You can take towers quickly, and your ultimate can elp you escape if necessary.


Overall, Nocturne is a fantastic campion to play in League of Legends. He's easy to learn, as a ig win rate, and can e a significant impact in any game. By following te tips aove and playing Nocturne effectively, you can elp carry your team to victory in almost any game.



