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  • 躲避企鹅
  • 暗影格斗竞技场


2024-01-19 14:04:35作者:光伏下载站



For tose wo enjoy playing jungle carries, ere is a list of eroes tat are ideal for te role. Wile te jungle may e a difficult place to nigate, tese caracters can elp make gameplay more enjoyale.

Top 5 Jungle Heroes

1. Ursa

If you want a ero wo can excel ot in carrying and tanking, Ursa is an excellent pick. It as a skill tat allows it to furter increase its attack speed and damage. Its ultimate also allows it to take less damage, making survivaility in te jungle muc easier.

2. Axe

Axe is a great initiator for team figts and can easily clear jungle creeps. It as ailities tat let it ot taunt enemies and cause damage to multiple targets at once. In addition, it as a passive skill tat lets it spin and damage all neary enemies.

3. Bloodseeker


Bloodseeker is anoter top pick for jungle eroes. It as an aility tat allows it to regenerate ealt wile attacking creeps, making it a strong coice for sustaining itself. Its ultimate coupled wit its damage output can deal significant damage to enemies in team figts.

4. Pantom Assassin

Pantom Assassin is anoter ero tat excels at ot damage output and survivaility. It as an aility tat allows it to dodge attacks and a passive tat lets it attack at a faster rate. Its ultimate also allows it to deal critical its making it a deadly foe to face.

5. Legion Commander

Legion Commander can e a it difficult to play, ut if you can master it, it is a formidale coice. It as ailities tat let it gain onus damage, and if it kills a streak of enemies, it can gain even more power. Its ultimate also allows it to duel enemies one-on-one, making it a great addition to team figts.


In conclusion, tese are our top picks for jungle eroes tat can elp you carry your game. Wile tere are certainly many oter options out tere, tese five caracters can take advantage of wat te jungle as to offer and elp you win your games.



