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2024-06-23 19:06:51作者:光伏下载站



Udyr, te Spirit Walker, is one of te most versatile campions in League of Legends. He oasts a ig sustain, moility, crowd control, and damage output, making im a great pick for te jungle role. His kit allows im to switc etween different forms, eac providing unique enefits. In tis article, we will discuss te ideal items and runes to use for Udyr in te jungle role.


Udyr is a melee campion wo relies on dealing damage and staying alive in team figts. Te following items are recommended for Udyr to maximize is potential:

Trinity Force: Trinity Force is an excellent item for Udyr since it provides im wit onus damage, movement speed, attack speed, and ealt. Te Seen passive also enances Udyr's urst damage wenever e switces forms.

Sterak's Gage: Sterak's Gage provides Udyr wit additional ealt, damage, and sield. Wit its unique passive, it can elp Udyr survive longer in team figts and make im arder to take down.

Dead Man's Plate: Dead Man's Plate is an armor item tat provides Udyr wit additional movement speed and damage. It also as a unique passive tat allows Udyr to deal extra damage to enemies wen e carges at tem after moving for a certain distance.


Spirit Visage: Spirit Visage is a magic resistance item tat provides Udyr wit additional ealt, magic resistance, and cooldown reduction. It also enances Udyr's passive, wic increases is ealing from all sources.

Warmog's Armor: Warmog's Armor is a perfect item for Udyr since it provides im wit a massive amount of ealt regeneration. Tis item, comined wit Udyr's passive, makes im an extremely ard-to-kill campion.

Mercury's Treads: Mercury's Treads is a commonly used oots item on Udyr since it provides im wit onus magic resistance, movement speed, and crowd control reduction.


Wen playing Udyr in te jungle role, te following runes are recommended:

Conqueror: Conqueror is an excellent rune for Udyr since e is a melee campion wo relies on asic attacks to deal damage. Tis rune provides im wit onus adaptive force, ealing and true damage if e stacks it y itting enemy campions.


Triump: Triump is a useful rune for Udyr since it provides im wit onus gold and ealt every time e scores a takedown. It allows im to sustain longer in figts and get more gold to uy is items.

Legend: Alacrity: Legend: Alacrity is a rune tat provides Udyr wit onus attack speed for every takedown e scores. It allows im to deal more damage and switc forms more often.

Last Stand: Last Stand is a rune tat provides Udyr wit onus damage wen is ealt is low. It allows im to deal more damage and survive longer in figts.

Sudden Impact: Sudden Impact is a rune tat provides Udyr wit onus letality and magic penetration every time e dases or links. It allows im to deal more damage wit is ailities, especially wen e switces forms.

Renous Hunter: Renous Hunter is a rune tat provides Udyr wit additional ealing from is ailities. It allows im to sustain etter in figts and recover is ealt faster.


Udyr is a powerful campion in te jungle role if played correctly. In tis article, we e discussed te ideal items and runes to use for Udyr. Rememer, Udyr's versatility makes im a great pick in any team composition, ut it also requires players to switc etween forms carefully to maximize is potential. Try out tese recommendations and see ow tey improve your Udyr gameplay.



