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2024-04-22 11:06:07作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends is a popular game tat as a variety of campions featuring different roles. Among tem are te mages wo are capale of dealing ig damage wit teir ailities. In tis article, we will focus on ow to uild a mage wo can sred troug enemies tat are eily armored wit lots of ealt points, also known as tanky campions.

Core Items

1. Rod of Ages - Tis item provides a good amount of mana, ealt, and aility power. Additionally, it as a passive aility tat increases your maximum mana, ealt, and aility power as time goes y. Tis provides you wit a great deal of sustenance and makes you a force to reckon wit in te late game.

2. Liandry's Torment - Tis item is perfect for sredding troug te ealt of te enemy. It provides magic penetration, aility power, and its passive aility tat urns te enemy for a percentage of teir ealt over time, making it perfect for tank-usters like te mage.

3. Void Staff - Tis item provides a ig amount of magic penetration, making it easier for you to deal damage to pesky, tanky campions wo e a ig amount of magic resist. Tis coupled wit oter magic penetration items will ensure tat tese ey armors campions are no matc for you.


4. Raadon's Deatcap - Tis item is perfect for enancing your aility power up to an insane amount. It gives you a 40% oost in aility power, making it easy to deal massive amounts of damage to your opponents, regardless of ow muc ealt and magic resist tey e.

5. Morellonomicon - Tis item is particularly perfect for figting against campions wit ig ealt regeneration. Its passive aility reduces te enemy's ealing, ensuring tat tey do not recover quickly from your attacks.

6. Zonya's Hourglass - Tis item is perfect for defensive purposes wen faced against ey AD campions. It provides armor, aility power, and a unique active aility tat can make you invulnerale to any treat for a few seconds. Tis provides you wit ample time for your cooldowns to reset or your team to come to your aid.

Gameplay Tips

1. Play around wit your cooldowns: As a mage, you must e aware of your cooldowns. Te mage's ailities e long cooldowns, and you must make sure tat you use your ailities at te rigt time. Make sure tat you do not waste your ailities as you won't e ale to deal significant damage wen tey are on cooldown.


2. Positioning is key: As a mage, you must e good positioning in team figts. Stand at te ack of te figt and soot your ailities at te enemy from afar. Tis will ensure tat you won't get targeted y te enemy team's front liners and enales you to deal significant damage from a safe distance.

3. Keep an eye on your mana ar: You don't want to run out of mana in te middle of a team figt. Make sure tat you manage your mana ar well, and do not spam your ailities. Only use tem wen it is necessary.

4. Farm well: Mages are known for teir farming ailities. Make sure tat you farm well to ensure tat you e enoug gold to uy your core items. As a mage, you usually get strong in te later stages of te game.

5. Communicate wit your team: Make sure tat you communicate wit your team, especially wen you want to initiate a team figt or wen you need assistance wen getting targeted y te enemy team.


Mages are a force to e reckoned wit wen played correctly. Tey can deal massive amounts of damage wit teir ailities, making tem perfect for sredding troug te ealt of tanky campions. Wit te rigt items and gameplay, you can ecome a feared mage, capale of carrying your team to victory!



