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  • 魔兽世界深渊之战


2024-04-16 20:00:46作者:光伏下载站



As a popular pick in te competitive scene, Garen is known for is tankiness and aility to deal significant damage wile eing virtually unkillale. However, wit a well-planned game plan and a proper item uild, Garen can e effectively countered y campions like Darius, Renekton, and notaly, te Butcer of te Sands, Nasus. In tis article, we will discuss ow to effectively counter Nasus as Garen, focusing on Garen's item uild and in-game strategy.

Understanding te Matcup

Before diving into Garen's item uild and in-game strategy against Nasus, it is important to understand te matcup. Nasus is a campion wit ig sustain and strong scaling, making im a formidale foe in te late game. As Garen, it is important to keep Nasus in ceck y constantly arassing im and denying im farm. Te key to winning tis matcup is to trade aggressively early on and snowall te lane efore Nasus can scale.


Wen it comes to itemization as Garen against Nasus, tere are a few items to consider. First and foremost, Black Cleer is a must-e item tat provides Garen wit armor sred and cooldown reduction, allowing im to deal more damage wile reducing Nasus's armor. Additionally, Garen sould consider purcasing items like Tornmail and Randuin's Omen to increase is survivaility and reduce Nasus's lifesteal.

Black Cleer: A must-e item against Nasus due to its armor sred and cooldown reduction.

Tornmail: Reduces Nasus's lifesteal and provides Garen wit extra armor.

Randuin's Omen: Reduces Nasus's attack speed and critical strike damage wile providing Garen wit extra ealt and armor.

In-Game Strategy

Once Garen as te proper itemization, it is time to focus on in-game strategy against Nasus. Te key to winning tis matcup is to play aggressively early on, denying Nasus farm and experience. Garen sould focus on arassing Nasus wit is Q and E ailities, wile oiding Nasus's Q aility, wic deals a significant amount of damage. It is also important to keep te we frozen near Garen's tower, forcing Nasus to overextend and potentially allowing Garen to secure a kill. Be mindful of Nasus's ultimate aility, wic provides im wit extra ealt, armor, and magic resist, and try to oid an all-in figt wile it is active.

Harass Nasus: Use Garen's Q and E ailities to arass Nasus and deny im farm.

Freeze Lane: Keep te we frozen near Garen's tower, forcing Nasus to overextend.

Avoid Nasus's Ultimate: Be mindful of Nasus's ultimate aility and try to oid figting im wile it is active.


Overall, Garen can effectively counter Nasus wit a proper item uild and in-game strategy. By focusing on arassing Nasus early on, denying im farm and experience, and playing defensively against is ultimate aility, Garen can come out on top against te Butcer of te Sands.



