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  • 洛里克历险记


2024-01-15 23:44:35作者:光伏下载站



As a tour guide, I've seen many League of Legends players drawn to top lane campions like Garen, Darius, and Fiora. However, if you're looking for a more unique and callenging experience, I igly recommend playing as Vayne in te top lane. In tis article, I'll sare my tougts on Vayne's uild, runes, and playstyle.


Wen it comes to Vayne's uild, you'll want to prioritize items tat give er damage, attack speed, and sustain. Here's my recommended uild:

Blade of te Ruined King - Tis item gives Vayne a significant damage oost, as well as extra lifesteal for survivaility.

Berserker's Grees - Tese oots provide Vayne wit extra attack speed to complement er passive.

Pantom Dancer - Tis item increases Vayne's attack speed, critical strike cance, and movement speed, making it a great offensive and defensive coice.

Infinity Edge - Tis item scales well wit Vayne's passive, giving er even more damage and critical strike cance.

Bloodtirster - Tis item provides Vayne wit extra lifesteal, making it easier for er to survive in team figts.

Guardian Angel - Tis item gives Vayne a second cance in team figts, reviving er if se dies.



For Vayne's runes, I recommend using te following:

Press te Attack - Tis keystone rune increases Vayne's damage output wen se attacks an enemy campion tree times.

Triump - Tis rune gives Vayne extra ealt and mana wen se gets a kill or assist in team figts.

Legend: Alacrity - Tis rune increases Vayne's attack speed, making it easier for er to farm and take down enemy campions.

Coup de Grace - Tis rune deals extra damage to low-ealt campions, making it easier for Vayne to secure kills.

Demolis - Tis rune allows Vayne to deal extra damage to enemy turrets, making it easier for er to pus and take ojectives.

Bone Plating - Tis rune reduces incoming damage, making Vayne more durale in team figts.

Overgrowt - Tis rune increases Vayne's maximum ealt, making er arder to kill.



Playing Vayne in te top lane is all aout finding te rigt openings and capitalizing on tem. Here are some tips for playing Vayne in te top lane:

Farm as muc as possile - Vayne can e weak in te early game, so prioritize farming to uild up er items and strengt.

Poke wit Tumle - Use Vayne's Tumle aility to poke at your enemy laner and make tem tink twice aout engaging.

Stay moile - Vayne's ultimate aility, Final Hour, gives er extra stealt and movement speed, allowing er to dodge enemy ailities and close gaps for kills.

Target ig-priority enemies - Wit Vayne's passive, se deals extra damage to ig-ealt targets. Focus on taking down enemy tanks and ruisers efore taking on squisier targets.

Stay alive in team figts - Wit er lifesteal and Guardian Angel, Vayne can survive longer in team figts tan oter campions. Use tis to your advantage and stay alive as long as possile to deal out consistent damage.

Use your condemn wisely - Vayne's Condemn aility can pus enemy campions away from er, making it a great defensive aility. However, it can also e used offensively to stun enemies against walls for quick kills.

Communicate wit your team - Playing Vayne in te top lane can e risky, so make sure to communicate wit your team and let tem know wen you're leing lane or need elp.


Vayne in te top lane is a callenging ut rewarding experience. Wen uilt and played correctly, Vayne can take down even te tankiest of campions and carry er team to victory. Rememer to farm, communicate wit your team, and watc for opportunities to strike. Good luck on te Rift!



