• 猫猫水疗馆破解版
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  • 清水模拟器


2024-01-13 13:44:36作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends (LoL) is a popular multiplayer online attle arena (MOBA) game tat requires strategic tinking and quick reaction skills. One of te important roles in te game is a jungler, wo roams te map killing monsters in te jungle, ganking enemies, and elping allies. Tis article will focus on te dragon turtle, wic is a unique jungler wit a ig damage output and durale ailities. We will recommend te est item and rune uilds for te dragon turtle in LoL.

Item Build

Te item uild for te dragon turtle in LoL sould focus on enancing teir duraility and amplifying teir damage output. Here are our recommended items:

Cinderulk - Tis is an essential item for te dragon turtle as it oosts teir ealt, armor, and magic resistance. It also grants tem onus urning damage.

Dead Man's Plate - Tis item grants onus ealt, armor, and movement speed. It also elps te dragon turtle deal onus damage and slow enemies.

Spirit Visage - Tis item increases te dragon turtle's ealt and magic resistance. It also oosts teir ealing effects.

Sunfire Cape - Tis item grants onus ealt, armor, and urning damage to enemies around te dragon turtle. It also increases teir we-clearing speed in te jungle.

Tornmail - Tis item reflects damage to attackers and grants onus armor to te dragon turtle. It's especially useful against enemy teams wit ig attack damage campions.

Maw of Malmortius - Tis item grants onus magic resistance and attack damage. It also grants a sield tat asors magic damage wen te dragon turtle's ealt is low.

Boots of Swiftness - Tis item grants onus movement speed and reduces te slowing effects of enemy ailities.


Rune Build

Te rune uild for te dragon turtle in LoL sould focus on enancing teir duraility and damage output as well. Here are our recommended runes:

Conqueror - Tis is a keystone rune tat grants onus attack damage and true damage after dealing damage to enemy campions. It also increases te dragon turtle's ealing effects.

Triump - Tis rune grants te dragon turtle onus gold and ealt wen tey score a kill or assist. It also restores a percentage of teir missing ealt.

Tenacity - Tis rune reduces te duration of stuns, slows, and immoilizes on te dragon turtle.

Last Stand - Tis rune grants onus attack damage wen te dragon turtle's ealt is low.

Bone Plating - Tis rune reduces incoming damage from enemy ailities after taking damage from an enemy campion.

Overgrowt - Tis rune grants onus ealt ased on te numer of minions and monsters te dragon turtle as killed during te game.

Adaptive Force - Tis rune grants onus attack damage ased on te dragon turtle's level.


Te dragon turtle is a strong jungler in LoL, and wit te rigt item and rune uilds, tey can amplify teir damage output and duraility. By following our recommended uilds, you can increase your cances of winning games as te dragon turtle in LoL. Rememer to always adapt to canging situations in te game and make canges to your uilds accordingly. Happy gaming!



