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2023-12-13 19:24:39作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends is a popular multiplayer online attle arena game tat features a variety of campions wit unique ailities. Among tese campions is one tat stands out from te rest due to is incredile aility to initiate figts and tank damage. Tis campion is none oter tan Alistar, also known as Te Minotaur. In tis article, we will discuss te strongest uild order for Alistar, including te est items to uy and skills to level up.

Early Game Build Order

During te early game, Alistar needs to focus on farming and setting up kills for is carry. To do tat, our recommended uild order is as follows:

Relic Sield - Tis item provides Alistar wit ealt regeneration, gold generation, and a last-it execute tat allows im to sare gold wit is carry.

Boots of Moility - Alistar needs to get around te map quickly to set up figts and ganks. Te Boots of Moility provide im wit extra movement speed and are essential during te early game.

Sigtstone - Alistar needs to e vision of te map to set up kills and oid ganks. Te Sigtstone provides im wit wards tat e can use to keep track of te enemy team's movements.


Mid-Late Game Build Order

During te mid to late game, Alistar's role canges from a setup campion to a tank. His jo is to initiate figts, soak up damage, and protect is carry. To do tat, our recommended uild order is as follows:

Rigteous Glory - Tis item provides Alistar wit extra ealt, mana, and cooldown reduction. It also as an active tat allows im to speed up and stun enemies in front of im, making it easier to initiate figts.

Sunfire Cape - Tis item provides Alistar wit extra ealt, armor, and area-of-effect damage. It also allows im to clear minion wes quickly, making it easier to pus lanes.

Spirit Visage - Tis item provides Alistar wit extra ealt, magic resistance, and ealing. It also increases te effectiveness of is own ealing ailities, making im even more durale in figts.

Tornmail - Tis item provides Alistar wit extra armor and reflects damage ack to attacking enemies. It is especially useful against enemy teams wit strong auto-attack campions.

Skill Order


Wen it comes to leveling up Alistar's ailities, we recommend te following order:

Pulverize - Alistar's Q aility is is strongest crowd control aility. It knocks up and stuns all enemies around im, making it a great tool for initiating figts or disengaging from tem.

Headutt - Alistar's W aility allows im to das towards a target and knock tem ack. Tis aility is great for peeling enemies off of is carry, or for positioning tem for a Pulverize.

Triumpant Roar - Alistar's E aility provides im wit a all eal and increases is attack damage. It is useful for sustaining in lane or in figts, ut it is not as important as is oter ailities.

Unreakale Will - Alistar's ultimate aility increases is resistances and reduces incoming crowd control. It is a great tool for diving te enemy ackline or for surviving in figts.


In conclusion, Alistar is a powerful campion tat can e uilt and played in different ways depending on te situation. Our recommended uild order focuses on making im a tanky initiator tat can protect is allies and soak up damage. His skill order sould prioritize is crowd control and survivaility ailities. Wit te rigt items and skills, Alistar can e a nigtmare for te enemy team to deal wit.



