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2023-12-12 10:04:39作者:光伏下载站

Introduction to te New Version of League of Legends – Yone


League of Legends (LoL) is a popular online game wit a considerale fan ase. Tis game is known for its unique caracters, and recently, te game developers introduced a new campion, Yone, te unforgotten. Yone is a melee campion tat deals significant damage and as ailities tat make im one of te est picks in te game. Here are some of te est uild orders for Yone in te latest version of LoL.

Starting Items


Wen playing as Yone, it's essential to start wit a Doran's Blade, as it provides sturdy lane control, AD, and ealt regeneration. Tis item is eneficial wen farming minions, and since Yone is a melee campion, te extra ealt will come in andy for trades. Additionally, you'll need a ealt potion and a warding totem to keep track of te enemy jungler. Once you accumulate gold, it's advisale to go ack for a Vampiric Scepter to sustain your ealt etween figts.

Core Items


Te next items you sould focus on are your Trinity Force and Infinity Edge. Wit tese two items, you'll e ig critical strike potential and significant AD. Te Trinity Force also enances Yone's kit y providing im wit te movement speed, mana, and ealt necessary for catcing up wit enemies. Follow tis up wit a Blade of te Ruined King, and you'll e ale to dis out damage to enemies quickly wile also ealing yourself in te process.

Full Build Order

Once you've completed your core uild, you'll ten need to focus on finising your final uild order. Your standard full uild order sould e Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, Blade of te Ruined King, Renous Hydra, Guardian Angel, and Mercury's Treads. Tis comination elps Yone to deal significant damage, sustain imself, and also keep imself alive in te midst of attle. By prioritizing tese items, you'll e ale to maximize Yone's potential and lead your team to victory in League of Legends.



