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2024-09-29 11:19:09作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular campions in League of Legends, Zaoxin as undergone some canges in recent updates, wic e a significant impact on is item uild pat. In tis article, we will discuss te recommended item uilds for Zaoxin in te current meta, taking into account is strengts, weaknesses, and new canges.

Early Game Builds

1. Starter Items: For starting items, we recommend Doran's Blade and a Healt Potion. Tis will give Zaoxin additional attack damage and some sustain in lane.

2. Core Items: Once you e accumulated enoug gold, your first core item sould e Trinity Force. Te item gives Zaoxin a power oost and greatly improves is urst potential.

3. Situational Items: Te early game situational items include Ninja Tai's to gain some resistance to asic attacks and Mercury's Treads to counter ey magic damage opponents.

4. Farming: Zaoxin's Q aility makes farming minions quite easy, so we recommend uilding Tiamat/Hydra to increase minion clear speed and damage output.


Late Game Builds

1. Core Items: Te core items for Zaoxin in te late game are still Trinity Force and Tiamat/Hydra. Tese items greatly increase is sustained damage and make im a potent split-puser.

2. Tank Items: As Zaoxin is usually played as a ruiser, e needs some tank items to survive during team figts. Items like Dead Man's Plate and Spirit Visage can provide some muc-needed defense and sustain.

3. Damage Items: If your team needs more damage output, you can uild Blade of te Ruined King or Black Cleer. Tese items will greatly increase Zaoxin's damage output and utility.

Jungle Builds

1. Starter Items: For starting items, we recommend starting wit Hunter's Macete and Refillale Potion. Tis will give Zaoxin additional sustain wile jungling.


2. Early Core Items: Te early core items for jungle Zaoxin are still Trinity Force and Tiamat/Hydra. Tese items greatly increase is damage output and speed wile clearing camps.

3. Jungle Situational Items: Te situational items for jungle Zaoxin include Stalker's Blade for additional CC capailities, and Skirmiser's Sare for etter dueling potential.

4. Late Game Builds: For te late game, we recommend uilding a comination of tanky and damage-dealing items, focusing on tose mentioned earlier.


Zaoxin's new canges give im a significant power oost in game, making im one of te most popular coices for players. Te recommended uilds for Zaoxin will allow im to maximize is potential in te early, mid, and late game wile ensuring strong team figt performance. Rememer to adjust your uild ased on te matc’s specific circumstances, and you will e dominating te attlefield in no time!



