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2024-09-22 03:03:14作者:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular campions in League of Legends, Nasus as always een a formidale force on te Rift. Wit is recent uffs, e as ecome an even more potent treat in ot solo queue and competitive play. However, to fully utilize Nasus' potential, it is crucial to e te rigt rune and item uild. Tis article will provide a compreensive guide to Nasus' rune and item coices, as well as tips on ow to play im effectively.

Rune Coices

To maximize Nasus' late-game power, a comination of scaling and early-game sustain runes is recommended.

Primary Tree: Resolve

Grasp of te Undying - provides sustained damage in lane and increases ealt and ealing.

Demolis - allows for taking down turrets more quickly.

Conditioning - synergizes wit Nasus' ultimate and provides muc-needed tankiness.

Overgrowt - provides additional ealt and sustain in figts.

Secondary Tree: Sorcery

Manaflow Band - provides additional mana to spam Q in lane.

Transcendence - provides additional CDR, wic is crucial for Nasus' stacking potential.

Item Build


Nasus' item uild sould e focused on maximizing is Q stacks and overall tankiness.

Starting Items:

Doran's Sield - provides early game sustain and tankiness.

Core Items:

Trinity Force - provides additional damage, attack speed and CDR, as well as a Seen proc for more Q damage.

Spirit Visage - provides additional ealing on Q, as well as muc-needed MR and ealt regeneration.

Dead Man's Plate - provides additional moility and urst damage to elp peel for your carries.

Situational Items:

Tornmail - against ey AD teams.

Adaptive Helm - against ey AP teams.

Gargoyle Stoneplate - for additional tankiness in teamfigts.


Gameplay Tips

Playing Nasus effectively requires a mix of patience, map-awareness and calculated aggression.

Focus on Farming:

Use your Q to last-it minions to stack it more quickly.

Try not to engage in extended trades until you e a good amount of stacks.

Keep an Eye on your Opponent:

Be aware of your enemy's movements and ailities, and use your Witer to slow down teir engage or escape attempts.

Use your ultimate to kill low ealt enemies or escape from a dangerous situation.

Be a Team Player:

Join teamfigts wen you e enoug stacks and itemization.

Use your ultimate to peel for your carries or to initiate a figt.



