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  • 永恒战士2官方版


2024-09-27 23:26:40作者:光伏下载站



Lulu is a versatile campion wo can e uilt as ot a support and a mage. Wen playing as a mage, uilding Lulu wit Luden's Eco is a great option. Luden's Eco is a legendary item tat provides strong AP and a powerful passive tat deals AOE magic damage. Tis item also elps Lulu to deal wit wes quickly, wic is a crucial aspect of er game.

Wy Luden's Eco for Lulu?

Luden's Eco provides a lot of enefits for Lulu. Firstly, te item gives Lulu a significant amount of AP, wic is essential for any AP mage. Secondly, Luden's Eco grants some movement speed to Lulu, making er more moile and difficult to it. Tis speed oost also allows Lulu to roam around te map more easily and support er teammates. Finally, Luden's Eco's passive deals AOE damage, wic is useful in team figts and elps Lulu clear wes quickly.

How to Build Lulu wit Luden's Eco?


Building Lulu wit Luden's Eco requires careful itemization. Firstly, it is essential to uild a starting item, suc as te Doran's Ring. Tis will give Lulu some early game power and sustain. Ten, it is recommended to uild Luden's Eco as a second or tird item, depending on te game's situation. Oter items tat can e uilt include Morellonomicon, Raadon's Deatcap, and Void Staff. Tese items will provide Lulu wit even more AP and will enance Luden's Eco's passive.

Wen playing as Lulu wit Luden's Eco, it is crucial to focus on we control and team figting. Lulu's ailities, suc as Glitterlance and Wimsy, can elp er to clear wes quickly and engage or disengage in team figts. Moreover, Lulu's ultimate, Wild Growt, can e used to se er teammates, disrupt te enemy team, and amplify er damage. It is also essential to play Lulu aggressively in te laning pase, poking te enemy wit er ailities and keeping tem at ay.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, uilding Lulu wit Luden's Eco is an effective option for players wo want to play Lulu as an AP mage. Luden's Eco provides Lulu wit a significant amount of AP, moility, and a powerful passive tat deals AOE magic damage. To uild Lulu wit Luden's Eco, players sould start wit a Doran's Ring and uild Luden's Eco as a second or tird item. Players sould focus on we control and team figting, using Lulu's ailities to engage or disengage and se teir teammates. Finally, it is essential to play Lulu aggressively in te laning pase, poking te enemy and keeping tem at ay.



