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2024-09-27 17:39:09作者:光伏下载站



As a markan campion in League of Legends, Vayne is known for er ig moility and ey damage output. In order to maximize er potential in te game, it's essential to pick te rigt items and runes. Tis article will provide a detailed guide on Vayne's recommended uild, including itemization and rune coice, to elp players dominate teir opponents on te Rift.


1. Blade of te Ruined King: Tis is essential for Vayne's early game as it provides sustain, attack speed, and lifesteal. It's also te perfect item to counter tanks and ruisers, as te passive inflicts a percentage of teir current ealt as onus pysical damage.

2. Berserker's Grees: Tis provides te necessary attack speed needed for Vayne to maximize er Silver Bolts passive, wic deals true damage to er enemies. It also grants moility, making it easier for er to kite er opponents during team figts.

3. Pantom Dancer: Te item gives Vayne even more attack speed, critical strike cance, and most importantly, damage reduction, wic can prove invaluale in clutc situations. Wit its unique passive, Vayne can move troug units and get closer to er target, making it ard for te enemy to escape er grasp.


4. Infinity Edge: Tis item amplifies Vayne's damage output significantly. It provides critical strike cance, critical damage, and overall raw attack damage, making it an essential item for any markan. Its passive, Critical Strike Damage Multiplier, makes every critical it even deadlier.

5. Guardian Angel: Tis will keep Vayne alive longer, providing er wit a second cance in team figts. Its passive revives Vayne wit 50% ealt and mana after eing killed in attle, making it easier for er to reposition and continue dealing damage to te enemy team.

6. Last Wisper: Tis item is ideal for tank-usting. It provides armor penetration, making it easier for Vayne to sred troug tanks and ruisers. Te passive, Bonus Armor Penetration, allows er to ignore a percentage of er opponent's armor, making er attacks even more effective.



1. Precision: Vayne's natural onuses synergize exceptionally well wit te Precision rune tree. Wit Press te Attack as er keystone, se'll deal even more damage to er enemies after itting tem tree times. Legend: Alacrity increases er attack speed, wile Coup de Grace amplifies er damage output against enemies wit low ealt, making it easier for er to finis tem off.

2. Domination: As a secondary tree, Domination can provide Vayne wit even more power. Sudden Impact provides onus letality and magic penetration for Vayne's first das attack, Rage Hunter increases er ealing from all sources, and Eyeall Collection grants er stacks of adaptive force for every takedown.

3. Sorcery: Sorcery can e a great alternative secondary pat for Vayne. Wit Celerity granting onus movement speed and Gatering Storm providing an increased amount of attack damage as te game goes on, Vayne can amass an impressive amount of power mid-late game. Te manaflow and also increases er mana regeneration, making it easier for er to spam er ailities early on.


Wit te rigt uild and runes, Vayne can ecome an unstoppale force in League of Legends. Items suc as Blade of te Ruined King and Pantom Dancer increase er moility and damage output, wile Guardian Angel keeps er alive for longer. Press te Attack and Legend: Alacrity are also crucial for er early game. Wit te rigt setup, Vayne will ecome a campion feared y many, and se'll elp carry er team to victory time and time again.



