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2024-09-27 14:49:49作者:光伏下载站



As a game expert, I've played countless rounds of League of Legends as different campions. However, one campion tat stands out to me is Renekton, te Butcer of te Sands. Renekton can e played in various ways, ut tis article will focus on ow to play Renekton as a ruiser, taking down crocodiles wit ease.

1. Understanding Renekton's Ailities

Before getting into gear and tactics, it's crucial to understand Renekton's different ailities. Renekton is an aggressive campion tat focuses on close-comat figts. His ailities are:

Q - Cull te Meek: Renekton deals damage to all neary enemies and restores a portion of is ealt

W - Rutless Predator: Renekton strikes twice, stunning te target and dealing extra damage

E - Slice and Dice: Renekton dases forward, damaging any enemies e crosses, and can recast te aility to das ack troug tem

R - Dominus: Renekton increases is size and ealt, dealing damage to enemies around im, and gaining fury wit eac it

2. Starting Items

Renekton's early game is vital, so starting items are essential. Te est items for Renekton are:

Corrupting Potion - tis will provide ealt regeneration, mana regeneration, and a damage over time effect tat damages enemies and eals you ack up.

Doran's Sield - If you're up against a ranged or poke-ey enemy, tis could e te etter option instead of te Corrupting Potion.

Blade of te Ruined King - if you want to go for an aggressive and offensive uild, ten uilding Blade of te Ruined King first can e a good decision.

3. Core Items

Renekton as a ruiser sould focus on uilding items tat will enance is strengt and duraility. Tese items are:

Black Cleer - tis item offers ealt, attack damage, and armor penetration, wic is essential for tearing down enemy armor

Sterak's Gage - tis will give you additional ealt, damage, and a sield tat activates wen taking damage, elping you survive in tose crucial team figts.

Spirit Visage - Tis item gives Renekton ealt regeneration, wic is useful to eal imself after figts, and also oosts is ealing from Cull te Meek.

Tornmail - Wen up against campions tat mostly attack troug asic attacks, Tornmail will reflect a portion of te attacker's damage ack to tem wile also giving Renekton more armor.


Renekton is a fun ut callenging campion to play effectively. Knowing is ailities and uilding proper items are key to succeed. A proper ruiser uild can make im a formidale force in any game, easily taking down enemy campions and turning te tide of attles. Take some time to understand Renekton, and wit te rigt gear and practice, you'll e ruling te sands in no time.



