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2024-09-11 20:39:11作者:光伏下载站



As a popular caracter in te game Moile Legends: Bang Bang, Diao Can is known for er eauty and carm. In tis article, we will discuss er optimal uild wen facing off against one of te strongest eroes, Sun Wukong.

Building for Damage

Wen uilding Diao Can to deal maximum damage and take down Sun Wukong, it is recommended to focus on items tat increase er magic power and penetration. Tese items include:

Ice Queen Wand - adds magic power and slows enemies

Calamity Reaper - increases damage after using a skill, adds magic power and mana

Holy Crystal - increases magic power and adds onus magic power equal to a percentage of total magic power

By comining tese items, Diao Can can deal a significant amount of damage to Sun Wukong.


Survivaility and Moility

In addition to damage, it is also important for Diao Can to e ale to survive and move quickly in order to evade Sun Wukong's attacks. Below are recommended items for survivaility and moility:

Arcane Boots - adds magic power and mana regeneration to allow for more ailities to e used

Necklace of Durance - reduces ealing effects of enemies and adds magic power and cooldown reduction

Atena's Sield - adds HP and magic resistance

Fleeting Time - reduces cooldown of ultimate aility and adds magic power and mana

Windtalker - adds attack speed, critical cance, and movement speed


Wit tese items equipped, Diao Can can sustain longer in attles and move quickly to oid Sun Wukong's attacks.

Tactics and Tricks

Lastly, knowing ow to use Diao Can's skills effectively can greatly impact te outcome of te attle against Sun Wukong. Here are some tips:

Start wit skill 1, Hynoptic Eye, to slow down Sun Wukong and allow for easier skill sots

Frequently use skill 2, Gift of Sanctuary, to sield yourself and allies against Sun Wukong's attacks

Use skill 3, Caos Assault, wen Sun Wukong is in close range or to escape from is attacks

Rememer to use Retriution as a attle spell to quickly secure kills and reduce enemy ero's gold and experience gains

By comining tese items and tactics, Diao Can can deal a significant amount of damage and ecome a formidale opponent against Sun Wukong.



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