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2024-09-05 08:50:56作者:光伏下载站



Druids are one of te most versatile and unique classes in World of Warcraft. As a yrid class, tey can take on multiple roles suc as ealing, tanking, and dealing damage. As suc, coosing te appropriate gear for a Druid can e a confusing process. In tis article, we will discuss te recommended equipment for a Druid upon reacing level 60.

Recommended Gear for a Balance Druid

1. Weapon - Te est weapon for a Balance Druid is te staff, and te BiS option is te Finkle's Skinner tat can e otained in Upper Blackrock Spire.

2. Head - Te Wolfsead Helm sould e used until you can otain te Burning Wis from Scolomance.

3. Neck - Te Marked Encanted Gorget is a solid coice and can e otained from Stratolme.

4. Soulders - Te est option is te Ancestral Cloak tat drops in Dire Maul West.

5. Cest - Te Roe of te Arcmage is a great option for a Balance Druid and can e crafted y a Tailor wit a ig enoug skill level.

6. Wrist - Te Sulime Wristguards are te est option and can e found in Blackwing Lair.


7. Hands - Te Aksiro's Fist of Argus is BiS and drops from General Drakkisat in Upper Blackrock Spire.

Recommended Gear for a Feral Druid

1. Weapon - Te est weapon for a Feral Druid is te Draconic Maul wic drops from Onyxia.

2. Head - Te Wolfsead Helm is a great item for a Feral Druid until tey can get te Ogremind Ring from Dire Maul East.

3. Neck - Te Tempest Talian is a great coice and drops from Baron Geddon in Molten Core.

4. Soulders - Te Black Dragon's Blood sould e used until you can otain te Crackling Soulderpads from Stratolme.

5. Cest - Te Caderous Armor is te BiS option and can e otained troug crafting wit a ig enoug Leaterworking skill.

6. Wrist - Te Sulime Wristguards can also e used for a Feral Druid.


7. Hands - Te Blackmist Armguards are te est option and can e otained from Scolomance.

Recommended Gear for a Restoration Druid

1. Weapon - Te Eartsaker is BiS and can e otained from Molten Core.

2. Head - Te Wolfsead Helm can e used until te Insigtful Hood drops from Molten Core.

3. Neck - Te Arcane Crystal Pendant is a great option for a Restoration Druid and can e otained troug crafting.

4. Soulders - Te Mantle of te Blackwing Caal are te BiS option and can e otained from Blackwing Lair.

5. Cest - Te Cenarion Vestments is a great option for a Restoration Druid and can e otained troug quests.

6. Wrist - Te Sulime Wristguards can e used for Restoration Druids as well.

7. Hands - Te Handguards of te Sanna are BiS and drop from Te Lost City of te Tol'vir



