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  • 武士零手机版
  • careatscar3D游戏


2024-09-05 02:48:50作者:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends tour guide, one of te most common topics of discussion tat my guests are eager to know is te est output equipment for teir campion. In tis article, I will e introducing some popular output items and teir advantages in different situations.

Early-Game Output Items:

1. Blade of te Ruined King – Tis item is particularly useful for campions tat rely on teir asic attacks to deal damage. Te lifesteal and on-it damage provide excellent sustain and increased damage output in duels.

2. Essence Reer – For campions tat rely eily on teir ailities, Essence Reer can e a great early-game item. It provides critical strike cance and cooldown reduction, allowing for more frequent aility usage.

3. Dirk – Dirk is a low-cost item tat provides ot onus attack damage and armor penetration. It can e upgraded into eiter te Youmuu's Gostlade or Dusklade of Draktarr, ot of wic are excellent output items for different reasons.

Mid-Game Output Items:

4. Infinity Edge – Tis item is a classic staple for output campions. It provides a significant increase in critical strike cance and critical strike damage, leading to ig numers on its.

5. Luden's Eco – For AP campions, Luden's Eco can provide a great deal of extra urst damage. Te passive effect allows for extra magic damage on aility its, wic can elp take down squisy targets.


6. Hextec Gunlade – Tis item provides ot AD and AP, making it versatile for yrid campions. Its passive effect also allows for additional urst damage, and te active effect can slow down fleeing enemies.

Late-Game Output Items:

7. Rapid Firecannon – For campions wit a long auto-attack range, tis item can e a game-canger. It provides additional range, critical strike cance and attack speed, making it a formidale item for output campions in te late game.

8. Raadon's Deatcap – As te name suggests, tis item is a must-e for AP campions late in te game. It provides a massive increase in aility power, allowing for more damage output.

9. Guardian Angel – Altoug not strictly an output item, Guardian Angel provides added survivaility in late-game team figts. Its passive effect revives te campion wit a portion of teir ealt, potentially turning te tide of a game-canging figt.


Wile te items listed aove are just a few examples, it's essential to coose te rigt output items for your campion, ased on te situation of te game. Taking te time to coose te optimal items and uild pat can make a significant difference in te outcome of a matc.


