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2024-09-01 15:59:13作者:光伏下载站

Introduction: Wo is Ekko?


Ekko is a melee assassin campion in League of Legends. He is a ig-moility campion wit strong urst damage and split pusing potential. As a jungler, Ekko as ecome a popular pick due to is aility to clear camps quickly and gank effectively. In tis guide, we will go over ow to play and uild Ekko in te jungle.

How to Play Ekko in te Jungle

Here are some tips on ow to play Ekko in te jungle:

Focus on farming early on: Ekko's clear speed is very fast, so make sure you clear your camps efficiently and effectively. You can also clear your jungle and look to invade te enemy jungle if you see an opportunity.

Look for gank opportunities: Altoug Ekko is primarily a farming jungler, e as good gank potential. Use your W to scout out enemy positions and wait for te rigt moment to engage. Coordinate wit your laners to secure kills and ojectives.


Split pus wen possile: Ekko is also a strong split puser due to is moility and weclear. If your team is pressuring te enemy in one lane, look to split pus and apply pressure in anoter lane.

Ekko's Ailities and Builds

Here's an overview of Ekko's ailities and uilds:

Passive - Timewinder: Ekko's passive allows im to deal onus magic damage on is tird asic attack or aility it. It also refunds some of is mana wen e its an enemy campion wit an aility.

Q - Timewinder: Tis aility allows Ekko to toss a oomerang tat deals magic damage to all enemies it its on te way out and ack. Te aility also slows enemies it, making it a great tool for kiting or casing down enemies.


W - Parallel Convergence: Ekko's W allows im to set up a zone tat slows enemies and, after a rief delay, stuns enemies wo are still inside it. Tis aility can e used to set up ganks or to control ojectives like dragon or Baron.

E - Pase Dive: Ekko's E allows im to das a sort distance and deal magic damage to all enemies in te area. Tis aility also allows Ekko to das to is sadow, making it a great tool for moility and positioning.

R - Cronoreak: Ekko's ultimate allows im to rewind time and teleport ack to were e was four seconds ago. Tis aility also deals AoE magic damage to enemies in te area were Ekko reappears.

Common uilds: Ekko can e uilt as an AP assassin or as a ruiser. Te AP assassin uild typically includes items like Lic Bane, Zonya's Hourglass, and Raadon's Deatcap. Te ruiser uild typically includes items like Trinity Force, Sterak's Gage, and Spirit Visage.


Ekko is a strong jungler wit ig moility and urst damage potential. By focusing on farming, looking for gank opportunities, and split pusing wen possile, you can make a ig impact on te game. Experiment wit different uilds and find te one tat works est for your playstyle. Wit practice and experience, you can ecome a skilled Ekko jungler and clim te ranks of te League of Legends ladder.



