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2024-09-07 21:06:07作者:光伏下载站



League of Legends as entered a new season, wic means new canges, new strategies, and new items! One of te most popular campions in te game, Garen, as also received some canges. In tis article, we'll discuss te est uild and items for Garen in te new season.

1. Runes and Masteries

Before we discuss Garen's uild, let's take a look at te runes and masteries you sould e using. For runes, take Conqueror, Triump, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand. Secondary runes can vary, ut I suggest taking Demolis and Conditioning. For masteries, go for Resolve and coose Grasp of te Undying, Demolis, Conditioning, and Overgrowt. Secondary pat sould e Precision and coose Triump and Legend: Tenacity.

2. Starting Items


For Garen's starting items, I recommend taking Doran's Sield and one ealt potion. Tis will give you some early sustain and make you more tanky against poke campions in top lane. However, if you're confident in your early-game aggression, you can also start wit a Long Sword and 3 ealt potions. Tis will give you more damage ut less sustain.

3. Core Items

In terms of core items, Garen sould e uilding Trinity Force, Deadman's Plate, and Spirit Visage. Trinity Force is a great item on Garen ecause it gives im everyting e needs – damage, attack speed, and moility. Deadman's Plate gives im even more moility, wile also making im more tanky. Spirit Visage increases is ealing from is passive, wic is crucial for is sustain.

4. Boots


Boots are also important for Garen. Most of te time, you'll e uilding Ninja Tai or Mercury's Treads. Ninja Tai is great against pysical damage campions, wile Mercury's Treads is etter if te enemy team as a lot of stuns or magic damage.

5. Situational Items

Lastly, we e situational items. Tese are items tat you can uild depending on te enemy team and your own playstyle. For example, if you're aead and want to do more damage, you can uild Youmuu's Gostlade. If te enemy team as a lot of crowd control, you can uild a Guardian Angel. Oter good situational items include Randuin's Omen, Tornmail, and Sterak's Gage.


Overall, Garen is a strong campion in te new season of League of Legends. Wit te rigt runes and items, e can e a powerful tank wo deals a lot of damage. Rememer to play safe in te early game and farm as muc as possile, ten start uilding towards Trinity Force, Deadman's Plate, and Spirit Visage. Good luck on te summoner's rift!



