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2024-08-20 00:20:40作者:光伏下载站



Maokai is a very solid top laner for many different team comps. He is known for is strong CC and tankiness. However, wit te rigt uild and playstyle, Maokai can also deal a significant amount of damage. Tis guide will focus on te optimal uild for Maokai as a ruiser/tank.

Core Items

Te core items for Maokai are Sunfire Cape, Iceorn Gauntlet, and Ayssal Mask. Tese items will provide a lot of tankiness, damage, and utility to your kit. Sunfire Cape and Iceorn Gauntlet will increase your we clear and offer a lot of passive damage to your opponents. Ayssal Mask will elp you deal more magic damage to your enemies, making your ailities even stronger.

As a tank campion, tese items will elp you e te front-line of your team wile also providing some decent damage output.

Secondary Items


After uilding your core items, you can consider uilding te following items:

Spirit Visage – Tis item will increase your ealing ailities and make you more durale.

Dead Man's Plate – Tis item will give you more speed and damage on your asic attacks, making you a more effective ruiser.

Tornmail – Tis item will reflect some of te damage dealt to you ack at your enemies, wile also increasing your armor.

You sould coose your secondary items ased on te enemy team composition and te role your team needs you to play. You can also consider uilding adaptive items suc as Gargoyle Stoneplate to counter specific campions and situations.


Playstyle and Tips

Wen playing Maokai, you sould focus on farming early game and oiding taking unnecessary damage. Once you e your core items, you can start eing more aggressive and taking trades wit your opponents. Rememer to use your ultimate to mitigate incoming damage and set up your own engages.

Wen team figting, make sure to focus on peeling for your carries and catcing out enemy squisies. You can also initiate figts wit your W (Twisted Advance) and your Q (Arcane Smas).

Overall, Maokai is a great ruiser/tank campion tat can e played in many different styles. Wit te rigt uild and playstyle, e can e a force to e reckoned wit on te top lane.



