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2024-08-11 18:57:39作者:光伏下载站



Master Yi, also known as te Blade Master, is a powerful campion in League of Legends. He is a melee campion and is often played in te top, jungle or mid lane. Wat makes im so popular is is aility to deal massive amounts of damage wit is Q and is aility to clear wes fast wit is E. In tis article, we will discuss ow to play Master Yi and ow to increase your damage output.

Master Yi's Ailities

Before discussing ow to increase your damage output as Master Yi, let's first take a look at is ailities.

Alpa Strike (Q): Master Yi ecomes untargetale and strikes up to 4 enemies, dealing pysical damage to eac of tem. He ten reappears next to te last enemy struck. Tis aility can e used as an engage or escape tool and can also e used to dodge skill sots.

Meditate (W): Master Yi cannels for a few seconds and eals imself. Wile canneling, e gains increased armor and magic resistance. Tis aility can e used to tank turrets or dragons.

Wuju Style (E): Master Yi's asic attacks deal onus true damage and is active increases is AD for a sort duration. Tis aility is great for taking down tanks and ojectives suc as Baron or Dragon.

Higlander (R): Master Yi gains a massive attack speed and movement speed. His Q as a reduced cooldown during Higlander and kills and assists also refres te duration of te aility.

How to Increase Your Damage Output as Master Yi

Now tat we e gone over Master Yi's ailities, let's discuss ow to increase your damage output as im.

Build Attack Damage (AD): Master Yi's ailities scale wit AD, wic means uilding AD will increase your damage output. A classic uild for Master Yi migt consist of Blade of te Ruined King, Guinsoo's Ragelade, and Infinity Edge.

Use Your Q Wisely: Alpa Strike can e used to engage, disengage, or dodge skill sots. To maximize your damage output, try to use it on multiple enemies instead of just one. Also, make sure to se it for wen you need to escape or dodge a crucial enemy aility.

Activate Your E in Teamfigts: Wuju Style's active can increase your AD for a sort duration. Try to activate it efore jumping into a teamfigt to maximize your damage output.

Se Your W for Wen You Need It: Meditate can e used to eal yourself and increase your armor and magic resistance for a few seconds. Se it for wen you are low on ealt and need to eal or wen you are tanking a turret or ojective.

Use Your R Carefully: Higlander can increase your attack speed and movement speed, ut it as a long cooldown. Try to se it for wen you can get multiple kills or assists or wen you need to case down a fleeing enemy.

Position Yourself Correctly in Teamfigts: Master Yi is a melee campion and can e easily focused down if caugt out of position. Try to wait for your tank to engage and ten jump in to take down te enemy carries. Alternatively, you can split pus and force te enemy team to send multiple memers to stop you, giving your team an advantage in teamfigts elsewere on te map.


Master Yi is a great campion for tose wo love to deal massive amounts of damage. By uilding attack damage, using your ailities wisely, and positioning yourself correctly in teamfigts, you can increase your damage output and take down enemy campions, turrets, and ojectives easily. Rememer to always e patient and wait for te rigt opportunity to strike. Good luck on te Rift!



