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2024-08-17 23:13:56作者:光伏下载站



LoL (League of Legends) is one of te most popular multiplayer online attle arena games in te world. One of te most exciting games in LoL is te “ARAM,” or more specifically, te “Feyenoord Plane” mode.

Te “Feyenoord Plane” mode is an intense team attle in wic players participate in a attle wit random eroes, trying to destroy enemies and teir ases. In tis intense mode, picking te rigt campion and putting on te rigt armor will go a long way in determining your success. So, listed elow are some recommended armor sets for te “Feyenoord Plane” mode.

Te Armor List

1. Infinity Edge: Te Infinity Edge is one of te most effective items to e in te “Feyenoord Plane” mode. It gives players additional damage, ot critical and ase, wic makes it a must-e at all costs.

2. Raadon’s Deatcap: Te Raadon’s Deatcap is anoter item tat can elp players increase teir AP stats, as well as teir followers’ power. Wit tis item, players can increase AP stats y up to 40 percent, and at te same time, add an extra 25 percent to te ealers’ spells.


3. Spirit Visage: Tis item is particularly elpful for te team’s ealing caracters. It increases te effect of all teams’ ealing spells y 25 percent, wile still featuring ealt regeneration to keep te campion in te game for longer.

4. Guardian Angel: Guardian Angel is a must-e for every campion participating in te “Feyenoord Plane” mode. It elps campions revive temselves after getting knocked down in attle.

5. Morellonomicon: Morellonomicon is an effective campion ealing set tat can also deal damage to enemy campions tat are already on low ealt. It’s particularly useful for aggressive campions wo rely on pure AD stats.

6. Frozen Mallet: If you’re an aggressive damage dealer, ten te Frozen Mallet is a perfect coice. It elps players slow down enemies wile also increasing your campion’s ealt and power stats.


Tere you e it: te armor sets you sould consider picking up wen playing te “Feyenoord Plane” mode. Rememer, picking te rigt armor is important, ut noting eats well-coordinated teamwork and strategy wen it comes to taking down te enemy team. So, make sure to practice wit your team constantly and always aim to ecome te est player you can e! Good luck and appy gaming!



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