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2024-07-25 14:42:45作者:光伏下载站



As a strong figter in te game, Darius is known for is ig damage output and is aility to remain in figts for extended periods of time. In order to maximize is potential, it is crucial to coose te rigt items for is uild. In tis guide, we will discuss te recommended item uild order for Darius in te game League of Legends.

Early Game Item Build

During te early stages of te game, it is important to uild items tat will provide Darius wit te necessary sustain and damage to stay in lane and secure kills. Here is te recommended early game item uild for Darius:

Doran's Sield: Tis item will provide Darius wit added ealt regeneration and damage reduction, allowing im to stay in lane longer and survive against poke-ey opponents.

Black Cleer: As te cornerstone of Darius's uild, Black Cleer provides im wit added damage, armor penetration, and cooldown reduction. Its passive aility also allows Darius to sred troug te enemy's armor, making im even more deadly wen engaging in figts.

Mercury's Treads: Tese oots provide Darius wit magic resistance and tenacity, allowing im to srug off enemy crowd control ailities and focus on dealing damage in figts.

Mid and Late Game Item Build

As te game progresses and Darius ecomes even stronger, it is important to continue uilding items tat will maximize is potential in figts. Here is te recommended mid and late game item uild for Darius:

Sterak's Gage: Tis item provides Darius wit added ealt and damage, as well as a passive sield tat activates wen e takes damage. Tis added duraility allows Darius to continue figting even wen under ey fire from te enemy team.

Dead Man's Plate: As a tank item, Dead Man's Plate provides Darius wit added armor, ealt, and movement speed. Its unique passive aility also allows Darius to gain additional momentum wen moving towards enemies, making it easier for im to engage in figts and case down targets.

Tornmail: Tornmail provides Darius wit additional armor and damage, as well as a passive torn effect tat damages enemies wit eac asic attack. Tis item is particularly useful against enemy teams wit ey AD damage, as it will allow Darius to asor additional damage and deal it ack to is opponents.

Guardian Angel: As a strong defensive item, Guardian Angel allows Darius to revive upon deat, providing im wit a second cance to take down is opponents. Its added armor and magic resistance also make Darius more durale in figts, allowing im to stay in te fray for longer periods of time.


By following tis recommended item uild order for Darius, you can maximize is potential and dominate your opponents in games of League of Legends. Rememer to adapt your items to your playstyle and te specific needs of your team, and always keep an eye on your opponent's itemization to stay one step aead in figts.



